As part of the ongoing FAIR Data Spaces project, Fraunhofer is inviting companies and consortia to further enhance data exchange and collaboration across various sectors. In this second call, Fraunhofer is offering two research and development subcontracts, each with a budget of 90,000 euros. Participants are encouraged to either expand upon existing demonstrators or create new ones that innovatively address the challenges at the intersection of research and industry. The deadline for submitting proposals is 20 September 2024.
We are pleased to communicate the Green ERA-Hub (GEH) Call is now open. The Green ERA-Hub (GEH) is a Coordination and Support Action of the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme.
We are pleased to share with you that the 2024 Joint Call on "Towards transformation of agri-food systems for the benefit of planetary health, consumers, and other stakeholders along the food value chain using data-based systems and ICT technologies" has successfully passed the initial stage with 42 pre-registered proposals invited to submit full proposals, and the applicants are now actively working on their submissions.
The scientific scope of the call addresses collaborative projects in 4 research topics:
🌱 The 2024 Joint Call is open for proposals that will make contributions “Towards transformation of agri-food systems for the benefit of planetary health, consumers and other stakeholders along the food value chain using data-based systems and ICT technologies”.
Empowering Agrifood Innovation: Insights from the Business Valorisation Workshop in the Framework of ICT-AGRI-FOOD Funded Projects Seminar 2024 in Warsaw, Poland
🌱 The 2024 Joint Call is officially open for proposals that will make contributions “Towards transformation of agri-food systems for the benefit of planetary health, consumers and other stakeholders along the food value chain using data-based systems and ICT technologies”.
We are excited to announce that the Final project seminar of the 2019 cofunded call projects and Kick-off Seminar of 2022 Joint Call projects will take place from 30st January to 1st of February in Warsaw, Poland. The seminar wil be hosted by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR).
The partnership AGROECOLOGY ("European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition –agroecology living labs and research infrastructures”) is pre-announcing an upcoming call for joint European research projects on the preliminary working topic “Fostering agroecology at farm and landscape levels” starting January 2024.
Are you a SME, a startup, or a researcher working on innovative data-driven solutions in food tracking, targeted nutrition, or consumers' food choices? If so, you're in for a treat because the #DRG4FOOD Open Call #1 is now open!
The Opportunity:
The DRG4FOOD Open Call #1 offers up to 300,000 euros in equity-free funding!
On 10th November 2024 the MANUFUTURE AET (subplatform on Agricultural Engineering Technologies), ICT-AGRI-FOOD and CAPIGI foundation have organised a face-to-face conference and workshop with their partners in Hannover/Germany. Agricultural machine manufacturing community and stakeholders have met and discussed opportunities of Horizon Europe for the community. The event took place a few days before AGRITECHNICA, with many exciting speeches on various topics.
The main objective of the Fixed Call for Proposals for Applications Activities in “The sustainable transformation of agriculture through digitalisation and space” is to develop space-based services and applications boosting the sustainable transformation of agriculture by taking advantage of data and innovative technologies.
2nd development round of new demonstrators for the FAIR Data Spaces: invitation to companies and consortia
As part of the ongoing FAIR Data Spaces project, Fraunhofer is inviting companies and consortia to further enhance data exchange and collaboration across various sectors. In this second call, Fraunhofer is offering two research and development subcontracts, each with a budget of 90,000 euros. Participants are encouraged to either expand upon existing demonstrators or create new ones that innovatively address the challenges at the intersection of research and industry. The deadline for submitting proposals is 20 September 2024.