Since ICT-AGRI 2 there have been fruitful contacts with the European Space Agency ESA. In ICT-AGRI-FOOD, Niels Gøtke (DASHE) and Xenofon Tsilimparis (GRNET) maintain this collaboration, as they have a dedicated task (Task 6.1).
The Agritech is already today making use of space data and satellite navigation (GNSS and the EC's Galileo system) which are core technologies for the development of Precision Agriculture.
The collaboration with ESA has the aim to give input to CAP monitoring and support European companies in making the best use of space data together with other technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAV's) or drones and Blockchain. Competitive farming requires the use of adapted innovative technologies, efficient data computing, etc. but an important aspect is also an increased focus towards the development of better decision support systems providing knowledge to the farmer and other stakeholders (operations optimization, strategic acquisition, etc.). New digital technologies such as Satellite Remote Sensing are more than just to substitute current on-the-spot check systems and advance monitoring/controlling farmers practices. These new digital technologies can also be seen as tools that enable farmers to become active within the forthcoming monitoring system seeking out new digital services.
Call on "Responsible Agritech"
This call aims to stimulate the development of space enabled agritech value chain applications to tackle in a responsible manner the agricultural challenges of 21st century. Three key objectives are defined, in line with the new Common
Agricultural Policy:
• Sustainability: agritech applications mitigating impacts on the climate and the environment, landscapes, biodiversity and producing safe and healthy food.
• Fairness: Ensuring decent revenues for farmers (especially those with more difficulties), rebalancing power in food chain, promoting rural areas and attracting young farmers.
• Competitiveness: develop the agritech sector through innovation, digitalization, new technologies, rural development and infrastructure, efficient advisory systems and continuous training.
Here is the list of awarded Kick-Start Activities studies for the Responsible Agritech call, result of ESA's evaluation of the proposals submitted:
Study name
Company name
A service for almond orchards management offering monitoring of vegetation development to highlight abnormal heterogeneities and identify issues that may impact yield and irrigation scheduling to maximize crop yield without wasting water.
Dynamic Optimisation Software for Harvest Planning (DOSHP)
A software for harvest planning using satellite earth observation and GNSS, together with weather data and dynamic resource allocation to ensure that the time and place of harvests are optimised.
EO4CarbonFarming targets developing a technically and economically sound operational service for soil organic carbon content mapping using Earth Observation data to quantify the success of carbon sequestration measures and support climate change mitigation.
ScanWorld S.A.
HyperSOC (Hyperspectral measurement of Soil Organic Carbon) is aiming to develop analytical solutions to better understand the distribution of soil organic carbon across parcels worldwide.
PickyRobot, a harvesting machine for strawberries
Zauberhändchen UG
An autonomous harvesting machine for strawberries, using multiple technologies including Galileo High Accuracy Service for precise location.
ProvGRASS: Grass measurement from space
The tool provides unprecedented accuracy in measuring grass quality and quantity using UAV and satellite imagery in tandem with deep learning technologies.
Purlieu - An automated model for habitat and carbon sink estimation
Investigation of an automated model for farm habitat and carbon sink estimation. The model intends to be built using data from satellite imagery, GNSS linked ground annotations, GIS mapping and scientific know.
SOC Recommended Farming Practices detection
SatEO based models tracking Recommended Farming Practices (RFP) and estimating carbon sequestration at sub-field level.
TERRA - climaTe sERvices for a Resilient Agriculture
TERRA is a Software-as-a-Service risk assessment and monitoring tool based on a climate-enhanced vulnerability index, that seamlessly integrates satellite data, reanalysis products and seasonal forecasts.
Call on the analysis of service to detect and prevent Food and Beverage Fraud (Closed February 2021)

There are different ways that food and beverage fraud can be committed for instance, the ingredients can be substituted with one of a lower quality, the food label can be distorted to provide false information or the food can be counterfeited. What each have in common is that these malicious acts do not happen by chance as theybring an economic advantage to the perpetuator and cause deception to the consumer.
The prevention and detection of food fraud is not only an important ethical matter, it is an issue which impacts the global economy as well as the health of the citizens.
Key Focus Areas
- Increase supply chain transparency
- Monitor and improve food logistics
- Improve certification process
- Detection of counterfeit food products and beverages
- Improve consumer confidence and experience
- Support food safety
Call on Sustainable Synergies: Interconnected Systems for Positive Impact

The ESA call for Feasibility Studies aims to promote the operational and commercial roll-out of services addressing interconnected systems for positive impact where at least two systems considered “isolated”, including eco-systems, are operated in a synergistic manner so that externalities are re-used or recycled and with the use of at least one space assets. The intended contractors are businesses operating in one of the field (e.g. solar panel installers, for the example above) or system integrators. The selected studies will conduct a thorough analysis of the concept they present, the actors involved and main components of the systems and will determine the technical feasibility and viability of a commercial service that will manage the resulting synergistic service.
More information:
- OPPORTUNITY: Intended Tender
- ACTIVITY: Feasibility Study
- OPENING DATE: 15-03-2023
- CLOSING DATE: 16-05-2023
Credit: Jenson
Call on Connected Agriculture (closed)

Credit: Scharfsinn
The ESA call provides an opportunity funding to European teams who would like to develop a service related to Connected Agriculture. Funding will be provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) for 6-month projects called ‘Kick-Starts’, which can lead to larger scale Demonstration Projects and Feasibility Studies. Kick-Starts are 75% funded by ESA for a maximum of €60K per contract. Proposed services must use satellite data or space-based technologies. Please see the ‘Authorisation of Funding’ section below to check whether your team is eligible for funding.
More information:
- OPPORTUNITY: Intended Tender
- ACTIVITY: Kick-Start Activity
- OPENING DATE: 01-06-2023
- CLOSING DATE: 31-08-2023
- WEBINAR: 24 May 2023 - 10:00 BST
Call for proposals on sustainable agriculture (closed)

Credit: Joshua Resnick
The main objective of the Fixed Call for Proposals for Applications Activities in “The sustainable transformation of agriculture through digitalisation and space” is to develop space-based services and applications boosting the sustainable transformation of agriculture by taking advantage of data and innovative technologies.
This Fixed Call for Proposals is intended to support industry in the development of services focused on the optimisation of agricultural practices that minimise negative environmental impacts in terms of soil degradation, water depletion and contamination, inefficient energy use and loss of biodiversity.
More information:
- OPPORTUNITY: Call for Proposals (Non-Competitive)
- ACTIVITY: Demonstration Project
- OPENING DATE: 13-10-2023
- CLOSING DATE: 13-12-2023
- WEBINAR: 25 October 2023, 11:00 – 12:00 CEST
Call for proposals on space for sustainable forestry (closed)

As climate change intensifies, protecting forests through sustainable management and addressing deforestation drivers is essential for maintaining forest health and resilience, supporting biodiversity, climate regulation, human well-being, and sustainable development.
Join us on 30 October as we introduce a new opportunity for teams to apply for European Space Agency - ESA funding to demonstrate how space-based technologies and data can support the delivery of cross-sector, holistic end-to-end solutions for the conservation and sustainable management of forests.
More information:
- OPPORTUNITY: Call for Proposals (Non-Competitive)
- ACTIVITY: Demonstration Project
- OPENING DATE: 01-11-2024
- WEBINAR: 30 October 2024, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
Register here: Webinar Space for Sustainable Forestry - Registration
Call for proposals on Commercial Applications of Space-Enabled Robotics: Agriculture

This call is part of the umbrella of “Commercial Applications of Space-Enabled Robotics” thematic call for proposals.
This Call for Proposals invites the submission of proposals for feasibility studies and demonstration projects for services that combine the use of satellite technologies and robotics in downstream services for Agriculture applications.
‘Robotics’ is here defined to include physical robots, autonomous drones, machines and vehicles, and precursory solutions or those that enable these (e.g. perception and navigation systems for autonomous vehicle services, connectivity solutions to enable tele-operated robotics).
More information:
- OPPORTUNITY: Call for Proposals (Non-Competitive)
- ACTIVITY: Feasibility Study, Demonstration Project
- OPENING DATE: 28-10-2024
- CLOSING DATE: 15-01-2025
- WEBINAR: 10 December 2024 - 11:00 CET
Register here: Webinar Commercial Applications of Space-Enabled Robotics: Agriculture - Registration
Since ICT-AGRI 2 there have been fruitful contacts with the European Space Agency ESA. In ICT-AGRI-FOOD, Niels Gøtke (DASHE) and Xenofon Tsilimparis (GRNET) maintain this collaboration, as they have a dedicated task (Task 6.1).
The Agritech is already today making use of space data and satellite navigation (GNSS and the EC's Galileo system) which are core technologies for the development of Precision Agriculture.
The collaboration with ESA has the aim to give input to CAP monitoring and support European companies in making the best use of space data together with other technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAV's) or drones and Blockchain. Competitive farming requires the use of adapted innovative technologies, efficient data computing, etc. but an important aspect is also an increased focus towards the development of better decision support systems providing knowledge to the farmer and other stakeholders (operations optimization, strategic acquisition, etc.). New digital technologies such as Satellite Remote Sensing are more than just to substitute current on-the-spot check systems and advance monitoring/controlling farmers practices. These new digital technologies can also be seen as tools that enable farmers to become active within the forthcoming monitoring system seeking out new digital services.
Call on "Responsible Agritech"
This call aims to stimulate the development of space enabled agritech value chain applications to tackle in a responsible manner the agricultural challenges of 21st century. Three key objectives are defined, in line with the new Common
Agricultural Policy:
• Sustainability: agritech applications mitigating impacts on the climate and the environment, landscapes, biodiversity and producing safe and healthy food.
• Fairness: Ensuring decent revenues for farmers (especially those with more difficulties), rebalancing power in food chain, promoting rural areas and attracting young farmers.
• Competitiveness: develop the agritech sector through innovation, digitalization, new technologies, rural development and infrastructure, efficient advisory systems and continuous training.
Here is the list of awarded Kick-Start Activities studies for the Responsible Agritech call, result of ESA's evaluation of the proposals submitted:
Study name
Company name
A service for almond orchards management offering monitoring of vegetation development to highlight abnormal heterogeneities and identify issues that may impact yield and irrigation scheduling to maximize crop yield without wasting water.
Dynamic Optimisation Software for Harvest Planning (DOSHP)
A software for harvest planning using satellite earth observation and GNSS, together with weather data and dynamic resource allocation to ensure that the time and place of harvests are optimised.
EO4CarbonFarming targets developing a technically and economically sound operational service for soil organic carbon content mapping using Earth Observation data to quantify the success of carbon sequestration measures and support climate change mitigation.
ScanWorld S.A.
HyperSOC (Hyperspectral measurement of Soil Organic Carbon) is aiming to develop analytical solutions to better understand the distribution of soil organic carbon across parcels worldwide.
PickyRobot, a harvesting machine for strawberries
Zauberhändchen UG
An autonomous harvesting machine for strawberries, using multiple technologies including Galileo High Accuracy Service for precise location.
ProvGRASS: Grass measurement from space
The tool provides unprecedented accuracy in measuring grass quality and quantity using UAV and satellite imagery in tandem with deep learning technologies.
Purlieu - An automated model for habitat and carbon sink estimation
Investigation of an automated model for farm habitat and carbon sink estimation. The model intends to be built using data from satellite imagery, GNSS linked ground annotations, GIS mapping and scientific know.
SOC Recommended Farming Practices detection
SatEO based models tracking Recommended Farming Practices (RFP) and estimating carbon sequestration at sub-field level.
TERRA - climaTe sERvices for a Resilient Agriculture
TERRA is a Software-as-a-Service risk assessment and monitoring tool based on a climate-enhanced vulnerability index, that seamlessly integrates satellite data, reanalysis products and seasonal forecasts.
Call on the analysis of service to detect and prevent Food and Beverage Fraud (Closed February 2021)
There are different ways that food and beverage fraud can be committed for instance, the ingredients can be substituted with one of a lower quality, the food label can be distorted to provide false information or the food can be counterfeited. What each have in common is that these malicious acts do not happen by chance as theybring an economic advantage to the perpetuator and cause deception to the consumer.
The prevention and detection of food fraud is not only an important ethical matter, it is an issue which impacts the global economy as well as the health of the citizens.
Key Focus Areas
Call on Sustainable Synergies: Interconnected Systems for Positive Impact
The ESA call for Feasibility Studies aims to promote the operational and commercial roll-out of services addressing interconnected systems for positive impact where at least two systems considered “isolated”, including eco-systems, are operated in a synergistic manner so that externalities are re-used or recycled and with the use of at least one space assets. The intended contractors are businesses operating in one of the field (e.g. solar panel installers, for the example above) or system integrators. The selected studies will conduct a thorough analysis of the concept they present, the actors involved and main components of the systems and will determine the technical feasibility and viability of a commercial service that will manage the resulting synergistic service.
More information:
Call on Connected Agriculture (closed)

Credit: ScharfsinnThe ESA call provides an opportunity funding to European teams who would like to develop a service related to Connected Agriculture. Funding will be provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) for 6-month projects called ‘Kick-Starts’, which can lead to larger scale Demonstration Projects and Feasibility Studies. Kick-Starts are 75% funded by ESA for a maximum of €60K per contract. Proposed services must use satellite data or space-based technologies. Please see the ‘Authorisation of Funding’ section below to check whether your team is eligible for funding.
More information:
Call for proposals on sustainable agriculture (closed)

Credit: Joshua ResnickThe main objective of the Fixed Call for Proposals for Applications Activities in “The sustainable transformation of agriculture through digitalisation and space” is to develop space-based services and applications boosting the sustainable transformation of agriculture by taking advantage of data and innovative technologies.
This Fixed Call for Proposals is intended to support industry in the development of services focused on the optimisation of agricultural practices that minimise negative environmental impacts in terms of soil degradation, water depletion and contamination, inefficient energy use and loss of biodiversity.
More information:
Call for proposals on space for sustainable forestry (closed)
As climate change intensifies, protecting forests through sustainable management and addressing deforestation drivers is essential for maintaining forest health and resilience, supporting biodiversity, climate regulation, human well-being, and sustainable development.
Join us on 30 October as we introduce a new opportunity for teams to apply for European Space Agency - ESA funding to demonstrate how space-based technologies and data can support the delivery of cross-sector, holistic end-to-end solutions for the conservation and sustainable management of forests.
More information:
Register here: Webinar Space for Sustainable Forestry - Registration
Call for proposals on Commercial Applications of Space-Enabled Robotics: Agriculture
This call is part of the umbrella of “Commercial Applications of Space-Enabled Robotics” thematic call for proposals.
This Call for Proposals invites the submission of proposals for feasibility studies and demonstration projects for services that combine the use of satellite technologies and robotics in downstream services for Agriculture applications.
‘Robotics’ is here defined to include physical robots, autonomous drones, machines and vehicles, and precursory solutions or those that enable these (e.g. perception and navigation systems for autonomous vehicle services, connectivity solutions to enable tele-operated robotics).
More information:
Register here: Webinar Commercial Applications of Space-Enabled Robotics: Agriculture - Registration