The PredICTor project has two main deliverables, i) an online decision support tool for evaluating an intended field traffic situation for a given soil condition and with given machinery (for farmers and agricultural advisers), and ii) an online tool for creating European-wide maps of the wheel load carrying capacity, which is defined as the maximum wheel load the soil can carry at given soil moisture conditions and for a given tyre and tyre inflation pressure (for authorities / soil protection offices). For both of these ICT applications, we update state-of-the-art models for the soil compaction process and combine them with national and European databases on soil properties and (at national level) meteorological data.
Project partners:
Department of Agroecology
AgroTech A/S
Soil Fertility and Soil Protection
Agricultural Engineering
Department of Agricultural Sciences
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Soil Science Centre
University of Copenhagen
University Halle - Institut of crop science