Project information
FRESH project addresses the specific problem of how to help small to medium and familiar crop growers making use of smart technology and future internet tools to optimize their production, expand their market and face the growth of the competition. The project proposes a 3-layered system based on remote sensing, back-end processing and user front-end with the purpose of shorten distances and facilitate B2B collaboration between farmers, experts, service providers and consumers. A initial test case will focus on hydroponic tomato production with a potential to expand to other types of greenhouse cultures and, ultimately, to any type of agricultural crops.
Project partners: 
Introsys, SA
Project dates: 
March 2014 to September 2016
Contact person: 
Magno Guedes
Contact email: 
Contact organisation: 
Introsys, SA
Funding agency: 
SmartAgriFood FIWARE accelerator
Total budget: 