Filippo Lulli
Turf Europe
1. Studies 2011 – PhD in Crop Science – “Sandwich PhD” from University of Pisa and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. Doctorate thesis on “Tissue biomechanical strength, wear resistance and recovery in C4 turfgrass species: physiological and morphological factors and innovative evaluation techniques”. 2003 – MS in Agronomical Sciences – University of Pisa. Main subjects: Crop Science, Turfgrass Science, Sports Surfaces, Biochemistry, Genetics. Other subjects: Mechanics, Biology, Anatomy, Soil Science, etc. Thesis on tall fescue winter nutrient management. Final grade: 103/110. 2. Other professional education 2006 – CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) courses: Sports Turfgrass Design and Construction – Jan. 2006 (20 h) Sports Turfgrass Management – Feb. 2006 (20 h) Artificial Turf Design and Construction – May 2006 (20 h) 3. Professional work experience ► 2009-present: CEO Turf Europe Srl (Italy) Turf Europe is a University of Pisa “Spinoff” turfgrass consultancy, R&D and education private company founded by myself in 2009 and co-owned by the University of Pisa: Research & development activity on turfgrass: Precision farming techniques applied to turfgrass management; turfgrass monitoring by proximity-sensed and satellite-sensed spectral reflectance; weed and fungi etiology; irrigation scheduling through precision farming; wild flowers for urban areas. Education and conferencing activity (2009-2014): 35 turfgrass courses and seminars (details on request); Convener of the 2013 European Turfgrass Society Field Days in Monte Carlo (MC), "Integrated turfgrass management: towards the limitation of the use of agrochemicals", 100 participants from 4 continents. Consultancy and extension activity within Turf Europe (selection): Football Stadia (Italy): Agrigento, Bari, Cesena, Lecce, San Marino. Football Stadia (Europe): Bucharest, Lyon, Monte Carlo, Nice. Baseball Grounds (Italy): Parma, Turin, Verona. Sports Governing Bodies: Italian Baseball Softball Federation. Sod farms (Italy): Plantec, Ortu, PratoTopGreen. Industrial green areas: ENI refinery program for weed control. Historic green areas: Medici canals of Livorno program for weed control. Other: European Turfgrass Society: current Board Member and Secretary European Turfgrass Producers Association: Founding Member and current Board Member and Secretary. ► 2003-2011: Research fellow University of Pisa (Italy). CeRTES (Turf Research Centre). Field research in the following aspects of turfgrass: (a) NPK fertilization, slow release and controlled release; (b) T° to biological activity correlation; (c) turfgrass propagation and overseeding on warm-season turfgrasses; (d) artificial grass; (e) growing media and soil-less crops; (f) sports turfgrass playing characteristics and performance evaluation. Activities and duties: (1) Scientific trial setup, management, survey and statistical analysis of field results; (2) Tutor of various scientific trials carried out by the University for private companies; (3) Group’s translator and webmaster. Consultancy and extension activity within CeRTES: BASF\COMPO, Everris (then Scotts), County of Lucca (European Research Program on water well protection against weed control active principles contamination), Rome Olympic Stadium, Livorno Stadium, Pisa Stadium, Bergamo Stadium, San Rossore National Park horse racetrack, Gardens of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Cosmopolitan G.C., CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee), LND (Italian Amateur Football League), etc. 4. Current affiliations American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - European Turfgrass Producers Association – European Turfgrass Society – International Society of Horticultural Science – Turfgrass Information Center - Turfgrass Producers International – 5. Publications in indexed scientific journals Volterrani, M., N. Grossi, F. Lulli and M. Gaetani. 2008. Establishment of warm-season turfgrass species by transplant of single potted plants. Acta Horticulturae, 783: 77-84. Lulli, F., M. Volterrani, S. Magni and R. Armeni. 2011. An Innovative Hybrid Natural-Artificial Sports Pitch Construction System. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 225:1-5. Lulli, F., L. Guglielminetti, N. Grossi, R. Armeni, S. Stefanini and M. Volterrani. 2011. Physiological and morphological factors influencing leaf, rhizome and stolon tensile strength in C4 turfgrass species. Functional Plant Biology, 38: 919-926. Lulli, F., M. Volterrani, N. Grossi, R. Armeni, S. Stefanini and L. Guglielminetti. 2012. Physiological and morphological factors influencing wear resistance and recovery in C3 and C4 turfgrass species. Functional Plant Biology, 39: 214-221. Volterrani, M., S. Magni, M. Gaetani and F. Lulli. 2012. Trinexpac-ethyl effects on stolon activity and node vitalyty of ‘Tifway’ hybrid bermudagrass. Horttechnology, 22: 479-483. Gaetani, M., F. Lulli, A. Andreucci, A. Masini, G. Vittori and M. Volterrani. 2013. Sprouting and Plant Regeneration Capability in Saline Conditions of Seashore Paspalum, Manilagrass, and Hybrid Bermudagrass Stolons. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 13: 57-64. Pons, G., M. Compta, X. Berjaga, F. Lulli and J.M. Lopez. 2014. Intelligent System for Optimisation in Golf Course Maintenance. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications: Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 269: 67-76. Caturegli, L., F. Lulli, L. Foschi, L. Guglielminetti, E. Bonari and M. Volterrani. 2014. Monitoring Turfgrass Species and Cultivars by Spectral Reflectance. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 79: 97–107. Caturegli, L., F. Lulli, L. Foschi, L. Guglielminetti, E. Bonari and M. Volterrani. 2014. Turfgrass spectral reflectance: simulating satellite monitoring of spectral signatures of main C3 and C4 species. Precision Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/s11119-014-9376-3. Magni, S., M. Gaetani, N. Grossi, L. Caturegli, S. La Bella, C. Leto, G. Virga, T. Tuttolomondo, F. Lulli and M. Volterrani. 2014. Bermudagrass adaptation in the Mediterranean climate: phenotypic traits of 44 accessions. Advances in Horticultural Science, 28: 29-34. Lulli, F., C. de Bertoldi, R. Armeni, L. Guglielminetti and M. Volterrani. 2014. Warm-season Turfgrass Species Generate Sports Surfaces with Different Playability. HortTechnology, 24:749-756. Aldahir, P.C.F., J.S. McElroy, M.L. Flessner, J.H. Baird, S. Magni, N. Grossi, F. Lulli and M. Volterrani. 2015. Cultural and chemical practices for quality improvement of overseeded bermudagrass (Cynodon dactlyon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davey), and annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) suppression. J. Environmental Horticulture, in press. Caturegli, L., M. Casucci, F. Lulli, N. Grossi, M. Gaetani, S. Magni and E. Bonari. 2015. GeoEye-1 satellite versus ground-based multispectral data for estimating nitrogen status of turfgrasses. International Journal of Remote Sensing, in press. Richardson, M., J. McCalla, T. Buxton and F. Lulli. 2015. Incorporating Early-Spring Bulbs into Dormant Warm-Season Turfgrasses. HortTechnology, in press. 6. Non-indexed and technical publications (in English) Volterrani M., Gaetani M., Grossi N., Lulli F., Magni S. 2003. Warm-season turfgrass overseeding. National Turfgrass Foundation Annual Conference 2003, Southport 3rd-6th November 2003. Grossi N., Lulli F., Volterrani M, Miele S. 2005. Timing of fall nitrogen application on tall fescue turf. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal Volume 10(1): 462-465. A. De Luca, M. Volterrani, M. Gaetani, N. Grossi, P. Croce, M. Mocioni, F. Lulli and S. Magni. 2008. Warm season turfgrass adaptation in northern Italy. Proceedings of the 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference. Pisa (Italy), 19-20th May 2008. pp. 75-76. L. Foschi, N. Grossi, M. Volterrani and F. Lulli. 2008. Effect of nitrogen nutrition on Agrostis stolonifera spectral reflectance. Proceedings of the 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference. Pisa (Italy), 19-20th May 2008. pp.81-82. N. Grossi, M. Volterrani, M. Gaetani, F. Lulli, S. Magni, P. Croce, A. De Luca and M. Mocioni. 2008. Bermudagrass putting green overseeding with cool season turfgrasses in coastal Tuscany. Proceedings of the 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference. Pisa (Italy), 19-20th May 2008. pp.87-88. F. Lulli, M. Volterrani, S. Magni, N. Grossi, M. Gaetani and A. Pompeiano. 2008. Evaluation of the playing characteristics of a new hybrid natural–artificial grass pitch. Proceedings of the 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference. Pisa (Italy), 19-20th May 2008. pp. 117-118. A. Pompeiano, M. Volterrani, F. Lulli, N. Grossi and S. Magni. 2008. Zoysiagrass stolon activity during establishment. Proceedings of the 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference. Pisa (Italy), 19-20th May 2008. pp.149-150. De Luca, Alessandro; Volterrani, Marco; Gaetani, Monica; Grossi, Nicola; Croce, Paolo; Mocioni, Massimo; Lulli, Filippo. 2008. Warm Season Turfgrass Adaptation in Europe North of the 45º Parallel. p. 496-501. In: Crews, Debbie; Lutz, Rafer, eds. Science and Golf V. Mesa, AZ: Energy in Motion, Inc. Volterrani M., Grossi N., Magni S., Gaetani M., Lulli F., Croce P., De Luca A., Mocioni M. 2009. Evaluation of seven cool season turfgrasses for overseeding a bermudagrass putting green. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(1):511-518. M. Volterrani, N. Grossi, S. Magni, F. Lulli, A. Pompeiano. 2010. Zoysia matrella Response to Late-Fall Fertilization in the Transition Zone. Proceedings of the 2nd European Turfgrass Society Conference. Angers (France), 12-14th April 2010. pp.225-227. F. Lulli. Mix & Match. Stadia Magazine. March 2011, pp 69-70. Volterrani M., Magni S., Lulli F., Mocioni M., Croce P., De Luca A. and Grossi N. 2012. Converting Bentgrass Putting Greens to Hybrid Bermudagrass by Transplant of Single Potted Plants. Fokus: “Quality turf and efficient utilization of ressources”. 7: 102-103. 7. Publicly-funded turfgrass R&D projects: 2010-2011. “Tecnologie ambientali di incremento della biodiversità nelle aree a verde: sostenibilità ambientale, pregio estetico e viabilità economica” (Wild Flowers for Green Public Areas), financed by the Province of Trento – Scientific Coordination. Total funding 243.046 €, of which 54.000 € awarded to Turf Europe for R&D work and Scientific Coordination. 2010-2011. "Monitoraggio Satellitare dei Tappeti Erbosi dei Campi da Golf” (Satellite Monitoring of Turfgrass for Golf Courses), financed by the Italian Space Agency – SME partner and stakeholder. Total funding 239.733 €, of which 42.831 € awarded to Turf Europe for R&D work. 2013-2014. “Wireless distributed intelligent system for irrigation optimisation and early turf disease prevention and treatment on Golf courses” (WATERGOLF), financed by the Eropean Union (FP7) – Research and Technological Development (RTD). Total funding 1.138.386 €, of which 230.825 € awarded to Turf Europe for R&D work. 2014-ongoing. “Sod Satellite Agronomical Telemetry” (SodSAT), financed by the European Union (FP7) – Research and Technological Development (RTD). Total funding 1.270.000 €, of which 327.516 € awarded to Turf Europe for R&D work. 8. Spoken languages Italian (mother tongue), French (bilingual), English (bilingual), Spanish (good).