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ICT-AGRI-FOOD call "More transparent agri-food systems for consumers and other stakeholders along the food value chain based on ICT-technologies”

The ERA-NET ICT-AGRI-FOOD 2022 Joint Call for research proposals was closed on 26 September 2022. A total number of 17 proposals has been submitted.

The submitted full-proposals have focused on the following three thematic areas:


ICT-AGRI-FOOD’s 2022 Joint Call !

More transparent agri-food systems for consumers and other stakeholders along the food value chain based on ICT technologies


A Call Announcement and supporting documents with further information of the Call can be found under "2022 Joint Call

EFFoST Seminar Series:

Sustainable Food Systems: Connecting Expertise in Academia and Industry

This seminar series organized by the EFFoST Working Group on Sustainable Food Systems aims to provide detailed insights into various facets of sustainability in the food sector. The seminars will include expert talks, practical indications from industry professionals, as well as short presentations from selected early-stage researchers.

International exhibition of solutions and technologies for efficient and sustainable agriculture

SIMA 2022, an international forum due to take place from 6 to 10 November 2022 in Paris Nord Villepinte, and will celebrate its centenary. With attendees from all areas of the profession, the trade fair will cement its position as a leader in the sector with a new approach, extended content and enhanced showcasing of innovations across the agricultural sector.

Transforming food systems by connecting science, policy and society

The European Commission (EC) established a High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) to assess the needs and options for strengthening the sciencepolicy interface (SPI) for improved food systems governance.

The European day of digital agriculture

In March 2021, the DIVA project, funded by H2020, ended. This accelerator has funded 134 digital agri-related projects for the benefit of 180 SMEs in Europe. In the wake of this initiative, a cross-border community has been created around digital AgTech companies, who expressed the need and interest in sharing skills and knowledge at European level to build more powerful value chains.

webinar for applicants

ICT-AGRI-FOOD is organising a webinar on 18th of May 2022, 11:00 CEST (max. 60 min) for applicants for the 2022 Joint call "More transparent agri-food systems for consumers and other stakeholders along the food value chain based on ICT technologies". To register for the webinar please use this link. After registration, you will receive the link to join the webinar some days later.

Horizon Results Platform

Horizon Results Platform

Would you like to find out more on how to finance your business with EBAN and AgTech7? The European Business Angels Network is organizing the free course "Financial Innovation in Agri-Food Systems" on May 9, 10, and 11 as part of the AgTech7 Live Trainings. You are invited to register and get your business financed with EBAN!

2022 Young Researcher’s Boot camp

“The ERA-NET Cofund ICT-AGRI-FOOD launches together with the initiative Agrarsysteme der Zukunft and Space2Agriculture a boot camp for “young” researchers on how to write a good proposal.

The aim of the boot camp is to bring together PhD students and young researchers dealing with agriculture and food systems, and provide a space for discussion and exchange.

EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices

The EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices is one of the first deliverables of the Farm to Fork Strategy and an integral part of its action plan. It sets out the actions that the actors ‘between the farm and the fork’, such as food processors, food service operators and retailers, can voluntarily commit to undertake to tangibly improve and communicate their sustainability performance.

Mansholt Lecture: Navigating the Twilight Zone - Pathways towards digital transformation of food systems

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) organises the fifth edition of the Mansholt Lecture, on 22 September 2021 in Brussels. This year the Mansholt Lecture will address the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in the food systems.

source: WUR

Call for Trade missions to Australia and Chile

Connecting European Earth observation to international markets

ConnectEO is co-funded by the European Union under the COSME Cluster Go International programme. It focuses on clusters internationalisation, concretely, ConnectEO consortium develops and implements a joint internationalisation strategy to support SMEs internationalisation towards third countries beyond Europe and therefore assists them to access new global value chains.

13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) Conference invitation

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) to be held on 19-22 July 2021 in Budapest, Hungary, under the auspices of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. 

The theme of the Conference is the adoption of innovative precision agriculture technologies and solutions. 

The Conference will be organised in a hybrid form: on-site and online parallel. 
