The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)

Funding details

Call : Call for transnational, collaborative, inter-/transdisciplinary research projects on ICT-enabled agri-food systems

Country specific: Funding is restricted to organisations from Belgium

Funding: €700,000

Conditions full:

Eligibility criteria:

Minimum and/or maximum project duration:

Projects may last up to 36 months, which implies the funding has to be budgeted and spent accordingly. Extensions are not allowed in this phase.

Minimum and/or maximum funding per project:

The maximum requested budget per partner amounts to 350.000 EUR (incl. overhead).

Beware, the funding rules differ per FWO funding channel (FO and SBO):

- FO: a 6% structural overhead should be calculated on the direct costs. E.g.: the sum of all costs (personnel, consumables, travel, etc.) amount to 300.000 EUR, then the overhead will amount to 18.000 EUR (6% of 300.000 EUR) and the total requested cost 318.000 EUR. This total requested cost may never exceed 350.000 EUR.

(for additional information see chapters 7 and 8 in the project regulations)

- SBO: The SBO cost model applies.

Who can be eligible for FWO funding?

The eligibility of institutions and its researchers can be verified in the relevant regulations:

à For Fundamental research, see articles 10-12

à For Strategic Basic Research, see articles 4-8


Additional conditions for FWO funding:

  1. When the Flemish sub proposal has a strategic orientation, and thus the strategic basic research channel would be the appropriate choice of funding, we ask researchers to provide us with a ‘valorisation plan’ before the pre-proposal submission deadline. There is no fixed format and one A4 page should suffice. What the FWO wants to know is how the valorisation within Flanders - and potentially internationally – will take place and which Flemish actors are involved in this. This information can be submitted to the general email address.
  2. Researchers have to inform their central research coordination units, at their host institutions, about their participation.

One and the same researcher can only participate in 2 different research projects/consortia when applying for FWO funding, within the same call. Double funding is not allowed.


National/regional topic priorities:

The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) funds research projects within all topics of the call. There are not thematic restrictions as long as the projects fit into the SBO or FO funding channels scope. .

However, valorisation – with an economic and/or societal finality - is an essential feature for the SBO programme.


More details in the national/regional call announcement:

Call page for European programmes (ERA-NET)

SBO programme

FO programme

Contact person(s):
Toon Monbaliu