Estonian Research Council / Eesti Teadusagentuur

Funding details

Call : Call for transnational, collaborative, inter-/transdisciplinary research projects on ICT-enabled agri-food systems

Country specific: Funding is restricted to organisations from Estonia

Funding: €100,000

Conditions full:

Eligibility criteria:

1. Participants of the project

1.1 The Host Institution is the institution to which the grant will be allocated. The Host Institution must be registered and located in Estonia. R&D institutions must conform to the Organisation of Research and Development Act. For enterprises, subsection 3(2) of the Organisation of Research and Development Act does not apply.

The Host Institution must declare that the project can be carried out within their premises and that it will employ the Principal Investigator during the proposed project, should the project receive funding.

1.2 The Principal Investigator is the researcher who submits the project proposal and who will be responsible for the use of the grant and for the implementation of the project.

The Principal Investigator:

1.2.1 must have an updated public profile in the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS), or as an alternative, convert his/her ETIS publications table into a PDF and send it directly to the ERA-NET’s contact point at ETAg;

1.2.2 must hold a doctoral degree or an equivalent qualification. The degree must be awarded by the submission deadline of the grant application, at the latest;

1.2.3 must have published at least three articles which comply with the requirements of clause 1.1 of the ETIS classification of publications, or at least five articles which comply with the requirements of clauses 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 or 3.1, within the last five years prior to the proposal submission deadline. International patents are equalled with publications of clause 1.1. A monograph (ETIS clause 2.1) is equalled with three publications mentioned in clause 1.1 if the number of authors is three or less. If the applicant has been on pregnancy and maternity or parental leave or in the compulsory military service, or has other serious grounds, the publication period requirement will be extended by the respective time.

1.3 Senior research staff of the project participates in the substantial performance of the project. They must hold at least master’s degree or an equivalent qualification.

2. Budget

2.1 Research expenses consist of direct costs (personnel costs incl. scholarships, travel costs and other direct costs) and subcontracting costs. The research expenses must be used to carry out the project and be respectively identifiable.

2.2 Direct costs

2.2.1 Personnel costs are monthly salaries with social security charges and all other statutory costs of the participants of the project calculated according to their commitment and proportionately to their total salary cost at their Host Institution.

2.2.2 Scholarships equal to the state doctoral allowance may be paid out of the grant to doctoral students not receiving any salary from the Host Institution. Should a doctoral student participate in several projects financed by ETAg, the total amount of the scholarship from these projects may not exceed the nationally determined amount of doctoral allowance.

2.2.3 Travel costs may cover expenses for transport, accommodation and daily allowances.

2.2.4 Other direct costs are:

- consumables related to the project;

- costs for publication and dissemination of project results;

- costs for organising meetings, seminars or conferences;

- fees for participation in scientific forums and conferences;

- all other costs that are identifiable as clearly required for the implementation of the project.

2.3 Subcontracting costs should not be included in the overhead calculation and should cover only additional or complementary research related tasks (e.g. costs for translation, analyses, etc.) performed by third parties. Core project tasks should not be subcontracted. Subcontracting costs may not exceed 10% of the total costs.

2.4 Overhead may not exceed 20% of eligible direct research costs and should cover general expenses of the Host Institution. Costs for equipment and services intended for public use (copying machine or printer publicly used, phone bills, copying service, etc.) should be covered from the overhead.

2.5 Double funding of activities is not acceptable.

3. Enterprises

EU Regulations on State Aid for Research and Development must be taken into account when requesting funding from ETAg. The state aid form must be filled in. No tax arrears are allowed on the proposal submission date.

4. Grant Agreement

ETAg shall enter into a grant agreement with the Host Institution and the Principal Investigator.

5. Research involving human subjects or animal tests

If human research or animal tests are intended in the project, a positive resolution by the Human Research Ethics Committee or the Authorization Committee for Animal Experiments must be submitted to ETAg by the start of the relevant activities.

6. Nagoya protocol

By applying for funding by ETAg the applicants agree to consider the relevance of Nagoya protocol for their research, and to submit the Due Diligence Declaration if applicable.

National / regional topic priorities:

The Estonian Research Council (ETAG) funds research projects within all topics of the call.

For further information:

Contact person(s):
Maarja Soonberg