Regional council of Brittany

Funding details

Call : Call for transnational, collaborative, inter-/transdisciplinary research projects on ICT-enabled agri-food systems

Country specific: Funding is restricted to organisations from France

Funding: €500,000

Conditions full:

Eligibility criteria

Eligible entities

Companies established in Brittany.

Research institutions could participate only if they apply in association with at least one company from Brittany (meaning that there must be at least one Breton company together with the Breton research institution in the project’s consortium.)


Eligible activities

The Breton part of the project has to be developed in Brittany.


Eligible costs

  • Staff costs
  • Travel accommodations
  • Instrument and equipment costs, which results directly from the project
  • Sub-contracting expenses
  • R&D equipment amortization
  • Indirect costs: limited up to 15% of the staff costs.



Proposed projects may not exceed 36 months.

Maximum funding levels

  • 45 % for SMEs, 30% for mid-cap companies and 25 % for other enterprises.

Up to 100 % of additional costs for research centers. (According to the RDI rules SA.40391)


Regional topic priorities

 Regional Council of Brittany funds research projects within all topics of the call.

More details in the regional call announcement

If Breton applicants have any questions about their eligibility, they are strongly advised to contact the Regional Council of Brittany ( ) to enquire about their eligibility for the call before developing the proposal. Some Breton applicants may be eligible to ANR too, in this case the contact points of the two funding parties (ANR and the Regional Council of Brittany) will exchange together to advise the applicants towards the best option.

Contact person(s):
Emmanuelle Gardère