Priority: Conpleks Innovation can become your development department. We can handle your concrete development tasks by applying the capabilities of a complete network of competent hardware, software and mechanical design professionals.
Conpleks Innovation can help you within three focus areas: TeleCom, RoboTech and MedTech.
TeleCom: Broadband Products and Services, DSL, Ethernet and IP technologies.
RoboTech: Automated Guided Vehicles, autonomous robots and related products, RTK-GPS, RFID and Laser-based navigation
MedTech: Medical-technology products, computer controlled drug dispensers, peristaltic pumps and accessories
Conpleks Innovation ApS
Priority: Conpleks Innovation can become your development department. We can handle your concrete development tasks by applying the capabilities of a complete network of competent hardware, software and mechanical design professionals.
Conpleks Innovation can help you within three focus areas: TeleCom, RoboTech and MedTech.
TeleCom: Broadband Products and Services, DSL, Ethernet and IP technologies.
RoboTech: Automated Guided Vehicles, autonomous robots and related products, RTK-GPS, RFID and Laser-based navigation
MedTech: Medical-technology products, computer controlled drug dispensers, peristaltic pumps and accessories