ORT Braude College for Engineering

ORT Braude College for Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Dept

Organisation type: 

Expertise: The mechatronic department includes several researches with expertise in mechatronic design and especially in the amalgamation of mechanical and control within a product development. The knowledge and experience of the faculty members covers both theoretical and implementation related knowledge. Apart from our publication in this fields we are now involved with several projects where we build medium size robots and vehicles.
Research is focused on design of linear control systems, design and implementation of digital control system using PC computers and imbedded micro controllers and on design and simulation of mechatronic systems, evolutionary multi objective optimization and especially as related to set-based evolution, optimization by using heuristics (e.g., genetic algorithms) for optimizing both engineering products as well as UMVs' trajectories, truck transmissions loads, damping torque vibrations, development of transmission