Südwest-GeoCopter, a SME founded in 2011 by Dr. Gilbert Kattenborn and B.Sc. Teja Kattenborn in Freiburg i. BR., Germany, focusses on geomatics and one-stop remote sensing solutions employing advanced hard- and software technologies. With specialization on autonomous sensing platforms the GeoCopter philosophy of value adding is oriented to sophisticated , custom-tailored geoinformation products.
The decades-long background of the founders in remote sensing and geomatics for land use, forestry, agriculture and environmental concerns as well as maintenance of technical systems relies on project performance and evaluation for space agencies, international and national administrations and research institutions as well as industry embedded and supported by a cooperative international network of high-level experts.
A distinctive feature of the GeoCopter team is the conception and realization of dedicated solutions for demanding research and development tasks using their own sensing platforms and modular sensor equipment. Examples are beach profiling for global change research, palm oil inventories in the context of renewable energies, mapping of natural hazards or precision agriculture.
GeoCopter UAS
Südwest-GeoCopter, a SME founded in 2011 by Dr. Gilbert Kattenborn and B.Sc. Teja Kattenborn in Freiburg i. BR., Germany, focusses on geomatics and one-stop remote sensing solutions employing advanced hard- and software technologies. With specialization on autonomous sensing platforms the GeoCopter philosophy of value adding is oriented to sophisticated , custom-tailored geoinformation products.
The decades-long background of the founders in remote sensing and geomatics for land use, forestry, agriculture and environmental concerns as well as maintenance of technical systems relies on project performance and evaluation for space agencies, international and national administrations and research institutions as well as industry embedded and supported by a cooperative international network of high-level experts.
A distinctive feature of the GeoCopter team is the conception and realization of dedicated solutions for demanding research and development tasks using their own sensing platforms and modular sensor equipment. Examples are beach profiling for global change research, palm oil inventories in the context of renewable energies, mapping of natural hazards or precision agriculture.