The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Organisation type: 
Research institutions
Research organisations
Short name: 

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is a scientific research institute located in Laxenburg, near Vienna, Austria. IIASA uses advanced systems analysis to conduct policy-oriented research into the most pressing areas of global change, and their main drivers. The 2011-2020 Research Plan distinguishes three major global problem areas facing humanity today where concentration and intensification of research by IIASA scientists is most likely to yield the most productive results. These three global problem areas are: Energy and Climate Change, Food and Water, Poverty and Equity. This work is supported by research into the drivers of the transformations taking place in our world – population, technology, and economic growth. All IIASA research is policy-relevant and geared toward provision of robust solutions to the challenges of international, regional, and national policy and governance.