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Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Organisation type:
Research organisations
Funding agency
Short name:
TUBITAK, Marmara Research Center (TUBITAK MRC) is a non-profit research center with over 5000 employees. TUBITAK MRC consists of units within TUBITAK’s headquarters and four tematic vice presidency sharing the settlement: Life Sciences, Energy Technologies, Climate Change and Sustainability, MAterials Technologies. Life Sciences has two food related research groups Food Innovation Technologies and Food Safety & Quality Research Groups. These research groups (known as Food Institute in the past) have national/international reputation in the field of Food Science and Technology. It was established in 1971 and is accredited according to requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025 since 2001. The mission of food research groups of life sciences are to carry out R&D studies and industrial services to contribute to the food industry to improve its technological ability and to strengthen the competitiveness in local and international markets. The policy of these research grups is to make R&D, test/analysis, training and consultancy activities in the field of Food Science and Technology in order to contribute to the technical/technological development of the Food Industry; to respond expectations by giving true and reliable services and to ensure the continuous improvement.
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
TUBITAK, Marmara Research Center (TUBITAK MRC) is a non-profit research center with over 5000 employees. TUBITAK MRC consists of units within TUBITAK’s headquarters and four tematic vice presidency sharing the settlement: Life Sciences, Energy Technologies, Climate Change and Sustainability, MAterials Technologies. Life Sciences has two food related research groups Food Innovation Technologies and Food Safety & Quality Research Groups. These research groups (known as Food Institute in the past) have national/international reputation in the field of Food Science and Technology. It was established in 1971 and is accredited according to requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025 since 2001. The mission of food research groups of life sciences are to carry out R&D studies and industrial services to contribute to the food industry to improve its technological ability and to strengthen the competitiveness in local and international markets. The policy of these research grups is to make R&D, test/analysis, training and consultancy activities in the field of Food Science and Technology in order to contribute to the technical/technological development of the Food Industry; to respond expectations by giving true and reliable services and to ensure the continuous improvement.