Application of information technologies in Precision Apiculture
Project information
Application of information technologies in Precision ApicultureCall: ICT and Automation for a Greener Agriculture
Id: 14301
Acronym: ITApic
No | Partner | Contact | Country | Total 1000€ | Funded 1000€ | Funder |
1 Coord. | Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies | Aleksejs Zacepins | Latvia | 132.0 | 132.0 | Latvian Academy of Science |
2 | Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics Faculty of Science & Art Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Gaziosmanpasa University | Saban Tekin | Turkey | 93.8 | 93.8 | Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey |
3 | Department of Agricultural Engineering Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences University of Kassel | Oliver Hensel | Germany | 197.0 | 197.0 | Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture |
4 | Signal Processing and Control Group Electronics and Computer Engineering Division of Mechanical Engineering Department of Engineering Aarhus School of Engineering Aarhus University | Peter Ahrendt | Denmark | 167.9 | 122.5 | Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education Ministry of Higher Education and Science |
This project proposes implementation of precision agriculture technologies and methods in the beekeeping. Precision agriculture approach is adapted for beekeeping based on the various measurements of individual bee colonies all year around thus detecting different states of colonies and apiaries enabling rapid reaction by the beekeeper in case of necessity. Digital measurements such as temperature, humidity, audio and video can be used to detect several states of a bee colony: swarming, broodless stage, brood rearing, illness. Lots of separated scientific research has been done with this techniques related to bee biology, but they have never been combined to develop a apicultural health observation and warning system.
Within the ITApic project, several bee colony-monitoring systems were developed and tested. It has been observed that monitoring beehives by physically opening them puts a great level of stress on bee colonies. Thus, bee colony health can be increased by minimising the number of beehive openings. The ITApic project developed solutions that help to monitor bee colonies remotely, minimising the necessity for onsite colony visits. The device can recognise various colony states (normal, swarming or colony death), as well as illnesses like nosema (caused by a parasite). This approach brings an economic impact for the beekeepers because it is not always economically feasible to travel for hundreds of kilometres just to check the state of the hive. Additional losses for beehives are caused by environmental conditions (abrupt temperature changes). ITApic evaluated this phenomenon and concluded that wintering buildings are extremely beneficial for the health of the bee colony. Overall, the project approach facilitates optimisation of operational beekeeping costs and minimises colony losses by increasing the profitability and stability of beekeeping.
Several bee colony monitoring systems together with data monitoring web systems are developed:
- Novel real-time video system for monitoring and tracking the in-and-out activities of honeybees at the hive entrance in a practical setting. The real-time system is based on the Raspberry Pi.
- Raspberry Pi temperature measurement system together with pc application and web system for data analysis
- Wireless bee colony monitoring system
- Research of bee colony indoor wintering
- Precision Apiculture (Precision Beekeeping)