Agriculture meets Future Internet

Project information

Agriculture meets Future Internet

Call: Services and Applications for Smart Agriculture

Id: 15050

Acronym: AgriFI

1 March, 2015 to 31 August, 2015

No Partner Contact Country Total
1 Coord.SYNELIXIS SOLUTIONSPanos TrakadasGreece118.188.5SmartAgriFood
2Department of Agricultural Engineering
Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences
University of Kassel
Oliver HenselGermany77.277.2Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
3Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)Jussi NikanderFinland49.134.6Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry


AgriFI is a novel, FIWARE-based service, offered through the FIspace platform, that will provide the opportunity to farmers across Europe to: 1) get accurate and real-time predictions of possible diseases related to their crops and consequently activate rules and conditions that will trigger specific actions related to diseases, 2) get up-to-date information about diseases and nutrition recipes related to their crops and 3) capitalize on the FIspace platform to create a pan-European farmers’ community, sharing the same problems and discussing possible solutions.
AgriFI will be realized through the instantiation, adaptation, configuration and utilization of 11 FI-PPP enablers, including the 7 FIspace modules, 2 GEs and 2 SEs.
During the project lifetime, AgriFI service will be extensively validated in two key European agricultural countries (Germany and Finland), based on SynField product and already installed external management systems, against a clear set of KPIs.
Testing and validation of AgriFI will be conducted in the Hessische Staatsdomane Frankenhausen farm (320ha) provided by University of Kassel and the Vakola research farm (150ha) provided by MTT.
AgriFI service will include disease prediction rules for a variety of crops cultivated across Europe, including cereals (wheat, barley), vineyards, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflowers and cherry trees.
The experience of Synelixis in FIWARE components (gained through the participation in four FI-PPP projects) and agricultural products (SynField) combined with the expertise in developing disease prediction rules of one of the most famous Universities in Europe (University of Kassel) and one of the largest research institutes in Europe (MTT) creates a strong consortium capable of developing, testing and validating a competitive disease management solution for the European agricultural market.
AgriFI will promote its results through a well-defined and specially designed strategy with clear purpose, audience, methods and different messages to be transferred per stakeholders’ group, based on their special interests.
In this perspective, AgriFI will provide additional functionality to the extensible FIspace SaaS platform, enabling the seamless, efficient and effective business collaboration across stakeholders.


AgriFI is a novel, FIWARE-based service, offered through the FIspace platform, that will provide the opportunity to farmers across Europe to:

  • get accurate and real-time predictions of possible diseases related to their crops and consequently activate rules and conditions that will trigger specific actions related to diseases,
  •  get up-to-date information about diseases and nutrition recipes related to their crops and
  • capitalize on the FIspace platform to create a pan-European farmers’ community, sharing the same problems and discussing possible solutions.
  • AgriFI will be realized through the instantiation, adaptation, configuration and utilization of 11 FI-PPP enablers, including the 7 FIspace modules, 2 GEs and 2 SEs.
  • AgriFI service will be extensively validated in two key European agricultural countries (Germany and Finland), based on SynField product and already installed external management systems, against a clear set of KPIs.
  • Testing and validation of AgriFI will be conducted in the Hessische Staatsdomane Frankenhausen farm (320ha) provided by University of Kassel and the Vakola research farm (150ha) provided by MTT.
  • AgriFI service will include disease prediction rules for a variety of crops cultivated across Europe, including cereals (wheat, barley), vineyards, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflowers and cherry trees.
  • AgriFI will provide additional functionality to the extensible FIspace SaaSplatform, enabling the seamless, efficient and effective businesscollaboration across stakeholders.

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