Founded in 1967, Tat Gıda offers a wide range of products for consumers with its Tat brands in the tomato products sector and SEK brands in the milk and dairy products sector. Tat Gıda is the largest company that process the industrial tomato in Turkey about 500,000 tons annually. It is among our priorities that innovative technologies can be applied in our fields in the field of agricultural activity in order to obtain high yields of the desired standard in the final product. Therefore, we are looking for a partner who can support our ideas that;
- Determination of soil characteristics and properties and improvement of agricultural practices according to these characteristics with the aim of improving soil quality criteria, fertilization and irrigation control,
- Development of an ecological technology / method for the protection of the plant against pests, especially for industrial tomatoes grown in open fields (insect repellent etc.),
- Detection of one or more specific diseases such as Tuta absoluta pest, Mildiyö - Phytophthora infestans and development of damaged spot point-disinfection system in the field by drone or others methods.
Founded in 1967, Tat Gıda
Founded in 1967, Tat Gıda offers a wide range of products for consumers with its Tat brands in the tomato products sector and SEK brands in the milk and dairy products sector. Tat Gıda is the largest company that process the industrial tomato in Turkey about 500,000 tons annually. It is among our priorities that innovative technologies can be applied in our fields in the field of agricultural activity in order to obtain high yields of the desired standard in the final product. Therefore, we are looking for a partner who can support our ideas that;
- Determination of soil characteristics and properties and improvement of agricultural practices according to these characteristics with the aim of improving soil quality criteria, fertilization and irrigation control,
- Development of an ecological technology / method for the protection of the plant against pests, especially for industrial tomatoes grown in open fields (insect repellent etc.),
- Detection of one or more specific diseases such as Tuta absoluta pest, Mildiyö - Phytophthora infestans and development of damaged spot point-disinfection system in the field by drone or others methods.