Hidromod is an SME, established in 1992 as a technologic company in the field of computational modelling of aquatic environments. Hiodromod has a relevant experience in the implementation and exploitation of operational systems for farm management, based on its numeric modelling expertise and on the most recent advances in Information Technology (IT). Know-how on data management (from models or measurements) and real-time flows of information (numerical models entry data generation, model running, results validation, reports and publication) exist within Hidromod’s team.
Hidromod is an SME, established in 1992 as a technologic company in the field of computational modelling of aquatic environments. Hiodromod has a relevant experience in the implementation and exploitation of operational systems for farm management, based on its numeric modelling expertise and on the most recent advances in Information Technology (IT). Know-how on data management (from models or measurements) and real-time flows of information (numerical models entry data generation, model running, results validation, reports and publication) exist within Hidromod’s team.