Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Organisation type: 
Funding agency
Ministry / public service
Short name: 

Objectives and Tasks

Education and research are the foundations for our future. The promotion of education, science and research by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research represents an important contribution to securing our country's prosperity.

We promote education and research for they are the foundations on which we will build our future in a changing world. Education provides the basis for leading an autonomous, responsible and participatory life within industry and society. Education provides our children with the tools they need to meet the challenges of a changing and increasingly globalized world. Research helps us to discover the new and improve on the known. Thanks to excellent research we are finding solutions to global problems and devising strategies for sustainable growth. Research creates previously unknown opportunities in all domains of life, and it keeps our products and services innovative and competitive.

Our responsibility in the area of education addresses every stage of human life, beginning with early childhood learning through to continuing education and lifelong learning. Whereas school and university education are mainly in the remit of the Länder, the Federal Government also plays a significant role - for example by means of the Higher Education Pact, through award of scholarships, or through the Alliance for Education. We share responsibility with the Länder in the fields of non-school vocational training, training assistance and continuing education. One of our priority concerns is the establishment of social equality in education to ensure that a person's background no longer determines his or her chances to get an education and that no talent is wasted. International exchange in education and science is also one of our responsibilities.

Research excellence is a must in a country whose prosperity is built on the innovative strength of its industry. The aim of the High-Tech Strategy is to make Germany a leader in providing scientific and technical solutions to the challenges in the fields of climate/energy, health/nutrition, mobility, security, and communication. Innovative technologies and services create new jobs, and thus every generation will have its chance to develop its potential. The Excellence Initiative and the Pact for Research and Innovation are injecting new life into the research community and promote young research talent.

Education and research are a Federal Government policy priority, which is reflected in the development of the funding it is making available to these fields. You will find more detailed information on all these issues on our website.
