Our world is getting larger… and hungrier… with every tick of the clock. Each second, the world’s population grows by nearly 3 more people, that is 240,000 people a day. By 2025, the global population will reach 8 billion people and 9.6 billion by 2050. This means there will be an extra billion mouths to feed within the next 12 years. And within one generation, there will be more people additionally on the planet than there were at the beginning of the 20th century. Feeding the growing world population poses an unprecedented challenge to human ingenuity. Even in the best of circumstances, sustainably satisfying this hugely increased demand for crops and livestock will be an enormous task. By 2050, food production must increase by 70% to keep pace.
European Agriculture needs to become more productive and at the same time to meet environmental goals. Reconciling food production and environmental goals can be achieved through the adoption of appropriate technologies. Frequently farm entrepreneurs do not have the right information at the right time in order to manage efficiently both their farm production and the phytosanitary (pesticide and fertilizers) treatments needed for the health plants. Moreover very often the information related to sow /harvest /treatments are not interconnected with the pesticide and fertilizers storage and are used only for administrative scopes. Agricolous project aim at address these problems by providing a novel solution integrated into FI-WAARE/ FI-SPACE technology enabling farmer to both produce “more with less” improving and reduce agriculture’s environmental footprint.