
Project information
irrigNET Plant specific model based irrigation using Internet of Things (IoT) IrrigNET is a service which enables improvement of crops production by optimizing irrigation process. The mathematical models of a specific crop (initially sugar beet) and soil structure are fed with data generated by sensors deployed in the field (soil temperature, humidity), current weather conditions and weather forecast to create an irrigation recipe, i.e. how much water should be used at a given time. All this will result in: Increased income through cost reduction Increased yields and quality of the crops Rational water consumption Prevention of soil destruction
Project partners: 
DunavNET doo
Project dates: 
April 2015 to March 2016
Contact person: 
Srdjan Krco
Contact email: 
Contact organisation: 
DunavNET doo
Funding agency: 
Future Internet Enabled Agricultural Applications