The present production and delivery of real-time crop protection information is not optimal and there are bottlenecks to work on. This project will renew the way this valuable information is produced, shared and delivered. With an easy-to-use app, we shall activate farmers and forest owners to monitor crop pests. Together with helping to carry out monitoring and making and sharing pest observations the app service will be capable of delivering up-to-date expert information on crop pests and pathogens. The project participants share and build commitment to produce this expert information. When in use, the service will make monitoring on crop pests and pathogens faster and easier than before, and also enable quick response on unpredicted pests and pathogens. This project will also help Luke to renew its own production of crop protection information. The produced expert information will be structured, allowing effective use of the same information in different channels. Finally, this will enable quick access and large coverage for crop protection information. The project is well connected to present national, Nordic and European development in the application area, via key people and EU-funded projects. The participants of the project cover the information producers, media, and end users. The ultimate aims of this project are to create economical profit for farmers and forest owners, and good-quality raw material for the industry as well as diminish the negative impact of pesticide use.
Project partners:
Profium Ltd
Maaseudun Tulevaisuus
K-maatalous Experimental Farm
Tilasiemen Oy
Forest owners
Carrot farmers
Häme University of Applied Sciences
Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)