Advanced cattle feeding on pasture through innovative pasture management
Final report
Advanced cattle feeding on pasture through innovative pasture managementCall: ICT and Automation for a Greener Agriculture
Id: 14305
Acronym: i-LEED
Wednesday, 7 December, 2016
No | Partner | Contact | Country | Total 1000€ | Funded 1000€ | Funder |
1 Coord. | Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft - Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Animal Husbandry | Zoltan Gobor | Germany | 304.4 | 157.8 | Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture |
2 | TSCF Research Unit IRSTEA | Christophe Cariou | France | 396.0 | 85.0 | French National Research Agency |
3 | dsp-Agrosoft GmbH | Werner Feucker | Germany | 172.1 | 120.5 | Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture |
4 | CEO and CTO Effidence | Cedric TESSIER | France | 190.0 | 131.5 | French National Research Agency |
5 | Dept. of Agricultural Engineering & Technology Faculty of Agriculture Ege University | Arif Behiç Tekin | Turkey | 72.7 | 72.7 | Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey |
Main results:
Results in fields of agronomy, technology, methodology and social cognitions were achieved. Methods for canopy measurement, as well as detection of e.g. weeds, cowpats, using 2D laser scanner and NIR spectroscopy were developed and tested. Prototype consisting of a modified flail mulcher and a seeder was redesigned to an autonomous mobile platform including optimal trajectory planning.
Improvements in project management based on Share Point were realized and tested. The interdisciplinary, international and intercultural cooperation gain good results, although the workability, effectiveness, sustainability, completion criteria and availability of sophisticated tools affect the final results. Farmers’ feedback was positive about the project findings and supportive to become early adopters.
Developed models and methods can be implemented into suitable interfaces. Further development, optimization and implementation can be carried out by e.g. SMEs. Based on the development stage achieved in the project further adaptions and testing will be pursued in the following activities.
Milk and meat production entails conflicts of interest between ecology, economy and society. A robot with appropriate sensor technology and software was developed to optimize the pasture management, consequently encouraging the acceptance of grazing as an economically effective alternative. This has demonstrated how modern technologies can help to balance all of the above-mentioned issues, providing benefits for all without having to make any compromise.
Presentation of the project whitin the frame of the DLG-Feldtage 2016 in Mariaburghausen (Germany) (see Source:
Official website of the project
Participation on scientific conferences, symposiums and specialized events: see:
• EurAgEng newsletter winter 2015 (PDF)
• Agritechnica 2015
• (or search on for i-LEED)
• (or search on for i-LEED)
• Grünlandforschung: Autonome Roboter und mehr Heu als Futtermittel
• Day of research in the Ministry of Agriculture
• DLG-Feldtage: Meeting point for crop production experts
• Roboter "i-Leed" fürs Grünland
• Field Robot Demo
• Robotisation en agriculture : états des lieux et évolution (Robotics in agriculture: state of the art and development) organised by the French Academy of Agriculture
• Seiferth, B., Thurner, S., Berducat, M., Cariou, C., Tessier, C., Tekin B., Harnisch, S., Imker, J., Feucker, W., Gobor, Z.: Automatisierte Weidepflege - Projekt i-LEED, Hannover, 11. bis 14.11.2014, presented on EuroTier 2014, DLG (Poster)
• Seiferth, B., Gobor, Z., Thurner, S., Feucker, W., Sommer, C., Imker, J., Berducat, M., Cariou, C., Tessier, C., Tekin, B.: Automatisierte Weidepflege – Projekt „i-LEED“', Grub, 05.07.2015, presented on the open day of the LfL (Poster)
• Seiferth, B., Thurner, S., Gobor, Z.: Automatisierte Weidepflege – Projekt „i-LEED“, Hannover, 08. bis 14.11.2015, presented on Agritechnica, DLG (Poster)
• Seiferth, B.: Development of a system for selective pasture care by an autonomous mobile machine, Freising, 21.04.2015 presented on HEZagrar-Doktorandensymposium (Poster)
• Seiferth, B., Gobor, Z., Thurner, S.: Automatisierte Weidepflege - Erste Ergebnisse aus dem EU-Verbundprojekt „i-LEED“, Mariaburghausen, 12. bis 14.06.2016, presented on DLG Feldtage 2016, DLG (Poster)
• Seiferth, B., Gobor, Z., Thurner, S.: Automatisierte Weidepflege - Projekt "i-LEED" - (Teilprojekt ILT), Sulzberg, 07.07.2016, presented on LfL-Jahrestagung und 29. Allgäuer Grünlandtag, LfL, LFVZ Spitalhof (Poster)
• Seiferth, B., Gobor, Z., Thurner, S.: Automatisierte Weidepflege und -erkundung - Ergebnisse aus dem EU-Verbundprojekt „i-LEED“, München, 01.12.2016, presented on the Day of research in the Ministry of Agriculture, BayStMELF (Poster)
• Seiferth, B.: Innovative Weidewirtschaft – Weideroboter „i-LEED“, Hannover, 15. bis 18.11.2016, presented on EuroTier 2016, DLG (Poster)
• Seiferth, B. Weideroboter "i-LEED" Presentation in the frame of FÜAK-Seminars Berglandwirtschaft aktuell (Nr. 2016-0137/01), Immenstadt, 14.07.2016

Proposal summary:
The main goal is to optimise the feeding strategy for grazing cattle and to improve the methods of pasture management. The pasture robot control will be integrated into existing herd management software (HMS), providing an optimal feeding strategy as well as pasture maintenance. The robot will be redesigned by implementing sensors for detection of biomass, cowpats etc. and actuators (mulcher and seeder). The robot will collect data about the fresh biomass and carry out selective pasture care affecting the improvement of the biomass quality after grazing, autonomously. Based on the collected data an optimal feeding strategy through allocation of the herd to another part of the pasture (paddock), or by moving of the fences within one paddock can be secured.