Innovation Management Department disy Informationssysteme GmbH
Organisation type:
ICT provider
Short name:
Disy Informationssysteme GmbH is a software systems and services company with ca. 65 full-time employees, based in Karlsruhe / Germany. It was founded 1997 as a technology spin-off of the FZI Research Center for Information Technologies Karlsruhe and of Karlsruhe University (now: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT).
Disy is specialized in demanding tasks in the area of spatial-data management and spatial-data analytics in large organizations, especially in eGovernment. Disy software products and services combine the complementary strengths of traditional GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence. Using own generic middleware technologies for data integration and interoperability, Disy develops for its customers innovative, service-oriented, and Web-based solutions for data integration, data management, and data analytics. Since 2012, Disy also offers mobile GIS applications for offline usage in field-work.
Disy customers are public administrations and companies dealing with geodata and environmental-monitoring data. Fields of application comprise nature protection, agriculture and forestry, water management, waste management, renewable energy, disaster prevention and recovery, urban and regional planning, large-scale facility and infrastructure management, traffic management, civil security, etc. Disy solutions are running in numerous public administrations in Germany and Austria, at the Federal, the State, the county and the municipal level, in some installations serving thousands of users. The customer base contains ministries and state agencies of 11 German and 4 Austrian states, 9 National Agencies from Germany and Austria, and more than 50 district offices, municipalities, and regional councils. There, Disy solutions build the backbone for modern Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) and are the basis for the implementation of many European regulations like INSPIRE, Environmental Noise Directive, Water Framework Directive, etc. They are also often at the heart of Open Government Data solution. In the recent years, Disy extended its eGovernment solution portfolio towards more applications in the private sector. Here, the customers mainly come from the area of agricultural industry.
As a University spin-off, Disy has always been cooperating in many European (FP5, FP6, FP7), national (BMBF, BMWi, BMVI, BMEL) and regional research projects and networks, and regularly integrates practice-oriented research results into its commercial software products and services. In particular, all geomatics software products of Disy (GISterm, Cadenza, Preludio, Cadenza Mobile) can directly or indirectly be traced back to the results of national or international research projects.
Disy is voting member of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), a worldwide-acting association of hundreds of governmental organizations, companies and research organizations standardizing technologies for geodata processing. As the first German GIS provider, Disy received the quality certificate “Software made in Germany”. Since its foundation, Disy employs modern agile software engineering and quality management methods and tools. Disy is member of KTBL (Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture) and of GIL (the German Association for Informatics in Agriculture, Forestry and Food Economy).
In close collaboration with the Disy Product Development and Customers Solutions Departments, as well as with the Business Development Department, Disy Innovation Management acquires and runs national and international RTD projects for continuously extending Disy’s technological and domain-specific know-how and competence base.
Innovation Management Department
disy Informationssysteme GmbH
Disy Informationssysteme GmbH is a software systems and services company with ca. 65 full-time employees, based in Karlsruhe / Germany. It was founded 1997 as a technology spin-off of the FZI Research Center for Information Technologies Karlsruhe and of Karlsruhe University (now: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT).
Disy is specialized in demanding tasks in the area of spatial-data management and spatial-data analytics in large organizations, especially in eGovernment. Disy software products and services combine the complementary strengths of traditional GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence. Using own generic middleware technologies for data integration and interoperability, Disy develops for its customers innovative, service-oriented, and Web-based solutions for data integration, data management, and data analytics. Since 2012, Disy also offers mobile GIS applications for offline usage in field-work.
Disy customers are public administrations and companies dealing with geodata and environmental-monitoring data. Fields of application comprise nature protection, agriculture and forestry, water management, waste management, renewable energy, disaster prevention and recovery, urban and regional planning, large-scale facility and infrastructure management, traffic management, civil security, etc. Disy solutions are running in numerous public administrations in Germany and Austria, at the Federal, the State, the county and the municipal level, in some installations serving thousands of users. The customer base contains ministries and state agencies of 11 German and 4 Austrian states, 9 National Agencies from Germany and Austria, and more than 50 district offices, municipalities, and regional councils. There, Disy solutions build the backbone for modern Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) and are the basis for the implementation of many European regulations like INSPIRE, Environmental Noise Directive, Water Framework Directive, etc. They are also often at the heart of Open Government Data solution. In the recent years, Disy extended its eGovernment solution portfolio towards more applications in the private sector. Here, the customers mainly come from the area of agricultural industry.
As a University spin-off, Disy has always been cooperating in many European (FP5, FP6, FP7), national (BMBF, BMWi, BMVI, BMEL) and regional research projects and networks, and regularly integrates practice-oriented research results into its commercial software products and services. In particular, all geomatics software products of Disy (GISterm, Cadenza, Preludio, Cadenza Mobile) can directly or indirectly be traced back to the results of national or international research projects.
Disy is voting member of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), a worldwide-acting association of hundreds of governmental organizations, companies and research organizations standardizing technologies for geodata processing. As the first German GIS provider, Disy received the quality certificate “Software made in Germany”. Since its foundation, Disy employs modern agile software engineering and quality management methods and tools. Disy is member of KTBL (Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture) and of GIL (the German Association for Informatics in Agriculture, Forestry and Food Economy).
In close collaboration with the Disy Product Development and Customers Solutions Departments, as well as with the Business Development Department, Disy Innovation Management acquires and runs national and international RTD projects for continuously extending Disy’s technological and domain-specific know-how and competence base.