Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries

Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries

Organisation type: 
Research institutions
Ministry / public service
Short name: 

The Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute (TI) is a German research institute under the auspices of the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). It develops scientific basics as decision-making helps for the policies of the German government. In consequence, results of the work flow into guidelines and standards as well as into regulations and legislation. Its research is targeted at developing concepts for a sustainable, ecologically viable, and competitive (i) agriculture and food economy, (ii) forestry and wood economy, (iii) fisheries and aquaculture. Another main focus is to help overcome the specific problems of the rural areas. The activities of the Thünen Institute are based on the interdisciplinary application of (i) economics, (ii) ecology and (iii) technology.
