The JIDVEI SRL Company is a private institution, having as main activity the winegrowing, winemaking and production of grapevine planting material. Jidvei Company owns the largest vineyard in Romania and the largest vineyard in Europe with a sole owner.
Since the company's vineyard surface is approximately 2500 ha, located in Transylvania area, we own and a R&D Department focused on: digitisation in the wine-growing sector, cultural practices, soils agro-chemistry, plant protection, biodiversity of vineyard ecosystem and winemaking.
R&D Department is involve in many research projects at the national level but also internationally like: COST Action FA 1303- Sustainable control of grapevine trunk diseases,; (BiodivERsA-FACCE) VineDivers:“Biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards: analysing interlinkages between plants, pollinators, soil biota and soil erosion across Europe”; EIP-AGRI Focus Group - Pests and Diseases in Viticulture
We can carry out scientific and applied research aimed to elaborating vineyard technological sequences; laboratory analysis for soil, plant and wine; agrochemical mapping (pH, humus, N, P, K), foliar diagnosis, ; scientific and technological services; contribution to improving the vineyard management and winemaking.
The JIDVEI SRL Company is a private institution, having as main activity the winegrowing, winemaking and production of grapevine planting material. Jidvei Company owns the largest vineyard in Romania and the largest vineyard in Europe with a sole owner.
Since the company's vineyard surface is approximately 2500 ha, located in Transylvania area, we own and a R&D Department focused on: digitisation in the wine-growing sector, cultural practices, soils agro-chemistry, plant protection, biodiversity of vineyard ecosystem and winemaking.
R&D Department is involve in many research projects at the national level but also internationally like: COST Action FA 1303- Sustainable control of grapevine trunk diseases,; (BiodivERsA-FACCE) VineDivers:“Biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards: analysing interlinkages between plants, pollinators, soil biota and soil erosion across Europe”; EIP-AGRI Focus Group - Pests and Diseases in Viticulture
We can carry out scientific and applied research aimed to elaborating vineyard technological sequences; laboratory analysis for soil, plant and wine; agrochemical mapping (pH, humus, N, P, K), foliar diagnosis, ; scientific and technological services; contribution to improving the vineyard management and winemaking.