The National Institute for Materials Physics (NIMP) Bucharest is devoted to fundamental and applied research and development, with particular emphasis in the fields of solid state physics and materials research. NIMP develops as a CENTER OF EXCELLENCE for international cooperation (R&D projects and networks with support for EU, bilateral agreements) and high-level education (PhD, MSc, training courses) and provides a frame for interdisciplinary research in the materials science. The institute management has tried deliberately to develop a balanced policy of basic and application-oriented research. Much effort was devoted to the applied research, devices and technologies based on new advanced materials.
The NIMP finances the major part of its activities through National R&D Programs included in PNCDI, promoted by the Romanian Ministry for Education and Research (MEC). However, a part of the activity of the Institute is financed through an important number of academic grants and projects funded by EU programmes.
The institute has presently about 234 workers, of which 186 are directly involved in research activities. NIMP has 150 researchers, and among them are 15 PhD supervisors, 96 doctors, 40 PhD students, and 12 Master students. 30 of the Institute researchers have experience in laboratories abroad, gained during long stages.
NIMP it’s active in the field of gas sensors since 1983, through Gas Sensors Group, by publishing of more than 50 papers and contributions to international conferences, and 2 patents using gas sensors (involving CH4 and H2S detection using chemoresistive gas sensors). The involvement in the European partnerships funded by CE since 1997, has led to a real development of their know-how and of their equipment facilities. The key aspect of the Gas Sensors Group reside in their capability to study the gas sensing performance of various gas sensing materials or build-in sensors under real operation conditions (normal/adjustable pressure, exposure to different target gases spanning from ppb to ppm levels, at different operating temperatures under the presence of relative humidity from 0 to 90%) using a computer controlled Gas Mixing Station (developed within the Eastgas INCO-COPERNICUS project - FP IV). Spectroscopic measurements in Infrared are also available using FTIR gas analyser (Innova Airtech) as well as low-current (Keithely 6517A electrometer) and capacitive measurements (RLC 41R meter). Right now, in the field of gas sensors, NIMP is one of the national leaders and a true partner for similar groups in EU.
National Institute of Materials Physics
The National Institute for Materials Physics (NIMP) Bucharest is devoted to fundamental and applied research and development, with particular emphasis in the fields of solid state physics and materials research. NIMP develops as a CENTER OF EXCELLENCE for international cooperation (R&D projects and networks with support for EU, bilateral agreements) and high-level education (PhD, MSc, training courses) and provides a frame for interdisciplinary research in the materials science. The institute management has tried deliberately to develop a balanced policy of basic and application-oriented research. Much effort was devoted to the applied research, devices and technologies based on new advanced materials.
The NIMP finances the major part of its activities through National R&D Programs included in PNCDI, promoted by the Romanian Ministry for Education and Research (MEC). However, a part of the activity of the Institute is financed through an important number of academic grants and projects funded by EU programmes.
The institute has presently about 234 workers, of which 186 are directly involved in research activities. NIMP has 150 researchers, and among them are 15 PhD supervisors, 96 doctors, 40 PhD students, and 12 Master students. 30 of the Institute researchers have experience in laboratories abroad, gained during long stages.
NIMP it’s active in the field of gas sensors since 1983, through Gas Sensors Group, by publishing of more than 50 papers and contributions to international conferences, and 2 patents using gas sensors (involving CH4 and H2S detection using chemoresistive gas sensors). The involvement in the European partnerships funded by CE since 1997, has led to a real development of their know-how and of their equipment facilities. The key aspect of the Gas Sensors Group reside in their capability to study the gas sensing performance of various gas sensing materials or build-in sensors under real operation conditions (normal/adjustable pressure, exposure to different target gases spanning from ppb to ppm levels, at different operating temperatures under the presence of relative humidity from 0 to 90%) using a computer controlled Gas Mixing Station (developed within the Eastgas INCO-COPERNICUS project - FP IV). Spectroscopic measurements in Infrared are also available using FTIR gas analyser (Innova Airtech) as well as low-current (Keithely 6517A electrometer) and capacitive measurements (RLC 41R meter). Right now, in the field of gas sensors, NIMP is one of the national leaders and a true partner for similar groups in EU.