

Organisation type: 
Research organisations
Food chain
Service provider
ICT provider
Short name: 

GreenTropism is a SME specialized in spectrometers characterization, spectral data acquisition, management and processing and software components for spectrometers (key-words: chemometrics, spectroscopy, Near Infrared spectroscopy, artificial intelligence). GreenTropism has a specific expertise about NIR spectroscopy and associated modelling. GreenTropism offers services & products from software to ad-hoc chemometrics consulting.
The company solution and know-how are compatible with all types of spectrometers and manufacturers. Additionally, the company offers its expertise for NIR spectroscopy deployment and integration in smart systems (communication, electronics, mechanics).
Software and mathematical tools used for its activity are developed by GreenTropism and are proprietary.
The multidisciplinary team of 12 FTE combines laboratory engineer, data scientists, software developers and product managers.

Related Products & services:
GreenTropism is composed of three mains areas:
 Laboratory: for hardware test and characterization (mainly miniaturized spectrometers), spectral database building and validation
 Data Sciences: we leverage known and unique algorithms (chemometrics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence) to manage spectral data and to build interpretative models for multiparametric real-time non-destrutive analysis.
 Product: we integrate sensors and algorithms into a fully plug & play systems according to the specificities of the deployment (industry, field measurement, liquids or solids analysis) such as the GT-Box for Industry 4.0 topics and the GT-Controller for remote control and update of miniaturized spectrometers.
