Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
National Centre for Scientific Research - Demokritos

Organisation type: 
Research institutions
Short name: 

The Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INN) of the National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos” was established in 2012 through the merging of three former Institutes, all established in 1986. The three constituent institutes had been enjoying longstanding recognition in Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) within Greece and had always made a significant presence and contribution at the European scientific scene. These were the Institute of Materials Science, the Institute of Microelectronics and the Institute of Physical Chemistry. INN is the largest research institute of the country with cutting edge activities and a collective infrastructure -unique in size nad variety in Greece- that constitutes a distinctive ecosystem for fostering and promoting world-class basic and applied research. Strong ties with the industry and numerous SMEs further assist the institute’s effort to transform the knowledge generated into innovations and to transfer them to the market. INN is today the most multidisciplinary research institute in the country and takes great pride in including cross-fertilization activities and horizontal synergies across its wide spectrum of disciplines in its day-to-day scientific activity. The R&D&I activities of INN are structured in five Programs aligned with the research priorities of the institute:
(1) Chemical Sciences for Nanostructures and Biological Applications,
(2) Cultural Heritage (Study and conservation of cultural heritage materials),
(3) Magnetism and Superconductivity: Advanced Materials and Applications,
(4) Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials (Advanced nanomaterials and smart processes)
(5) Nanoelectronics, Photonics and Microsystems.
The expertise of the INN scientific personnel covers a wide range of disciplines involved in the development of materials, devices and systems as well as in the study of related physicochemical processes. More specifically it includes synthesis and growth of molecules and materials, device design, fabrication and evaluation, structural, physicochemical and analytical characterization as well as theory and simulation on multiscale modeling, non-linear systems and molecular thermodynamics.
