With its uniquely flexible and scalable array engine rasdaman GmbH is world technology leader in this domain. Mission of the German-based hitech company is to enable providers of spatio-temporal sensor, image (timeseries), simulation, and statistics data to offer spatio-temporal information in a user-friendly, fast, scalable, and flexible way with highest service quality.
The patented rasdaman ("raster data manager") engine facilitates storage and retrieval on massive multi-dimensional datacubes implementing a paradigm of "any query, any time, on any size". As rasdaman is domain neutral it can equally well handle geo, space, and life science data as well as engineering data and even business data, such as for financial risk analysis. As a consequence of its leadership, rasdaman is the blueprint for datacube standards in OGC, ISO, and INSPIRE, such as the ISO Array SQL candidate standard. The company is critically contributing, often leading, in datacube standardization. The rasdaman datacube engine has received a series of innovation awards, such as the 2019 DIN Innovator Award and the 2018 TechConnect World Innovation Award.
rasdaman GmbH
With its uniquely flexible and scalable array engine rasdaman GmbH is world technology leader in this domain. Mission of the German-based hitech company is to enable providers of spatio-temporal sensor, image (timeseries), simulation, and statistics data to offer spatio-temporal information in a user-friendly, fast, scalable, and flexible way with highest service quality.
The patented rasdaman ("raster data manager") engine facilitates storage and retrieval on massive multi-dimensional datacubes implementing a paradigm of "any query, any time, on any size". As rasdaman is domain neutral it can equally well handle geo, space, and life science data as well as engineering data and even business data, such as for financial risk analysis. As a consequence of its leadership, rasdaman is the blueprint for datacube standards in OGC, ISO, and INSPIRE, such as the ISO Array SQL candidate standard. The company is critically contributing, often leading, in datacube standardization. The rasdaman datacube engine has received a series of innovation awards, such as the 2019 DIN Innovator Award and the 2018 TechConnect World Innovation Award.