The Government of Romania (by decision no 49/ February 3, 1992) has founded the Research Centre for Oenology within the Iaşi Branch of the Romanian Academy. The Centre has now reached a number of 6 researchers and is led by the University Professor Valeriu V. COTEA. From the beginning, the Centre has been operating on the premises of the Laboratory of Oenology, at the “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (UASVM) of Iaşi. Along its 26 years of activity, the Centre has pursued – in cooperation with the Laboratory of Oenology – scientific investigation in several fundamental directions in the field of Oenochemistry. The laboratory staff, also under the Professor COTEA, is formed three PhD’s and other at least 10 PhD. Students how are working and the supervision of the hall collective. (
Research Center for Oenology IASI
The Government of Romania (by decision no 49/ February 3, 1992) has founded the Research Centre for Oenology within the Iaşi Branch of the Romanian Academy. The Centre has now reached a number of 6 researchers and is led by the University Professor Valeriu V. COTEA. From the beginning, the Centre has been operating on the premises of the Laboratory of Oenology, at the “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (UASVM) of Iaşi. Along its 26 years of activity, the Centre has pursued – in cooperation with the Laboratory of Oenology – scientific investigation in several fundamental directions in the field of Oenochemistry. The laboratory staff, also under the Professor COTEA, is formed three PhD’s and other at least 10 PhD. Students how are working and the supervision of the hall collective. (