Dunarea de Jos University of Galati

Dunarea de Jos University of Galati

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Dunarea de Jos University of Galati (UDJG) (http://www.en.ugal.ro/) is an accredited public institution, the largest in SE Romania, with over 72 years of academic tradition and more than 12,500 students and 700 academic staff; within university there are 14 faculties with 83 undergraduate study programmes, 82 master programmes and 4 doctoral schools. The university has more than 200 other partner universities from 22 foreign countries within ERASMUS Programme, CEEPUS or Eugene Ionesco. UDJG encourages the development of a research environment focused on technological progress and innovation, competitive both nationally and internationally, able to strengthen this institution into a pole of excellence which aims at generating knowledge and technology transfer with direct impact on increasing the scientific performance, visibility and quality of the services to the economic and social community. It also promotes the correct principles of deontology and ethics in scientific research for the training, development and motivation of human resources. UDJG is focused on interdisciplinary research and it manages valuable research projects; in the period 2003 – 2019 over 130 European and international projects (http://www.en.ugal.ro/research/research-and-result/research-programmes/i...) and 245 national projects were implemented (http://www.ugal.ro/cercetare/valorificare-si-diseminare-rezultate-cdi/pr...) and 22 international projects are on-going in 2020 (http://www.en.ugal.ro/research/research-and-result/research-programmes/1...). The results of their activities are found in a large number of scientific and technical papers published in ISI specialized journals, products and technologies based on patents, prospective and technological studies, national and international conferences participation. The institution aims at fostering new research themes in different disciplines from all the study programs – mainly at master and PhD level, and increase students' motivation for research and encourages cross-disciplinary collaboration and its aggregation in research clusters.

Within UDJG there are 36 Research Centers, from which 13 were included in the Multidisciplinary Platform ReFORM-UDJG, 2 of them being involved in this project implementation, having as activity the interdisciplinary environmental research, evaluation of environmental factors, microbiological and toxicological determinations, food quality assessment: INPOLDE - Infrastructure for Environmental Interdisciplinary Research in Lower Danube Euroregion at Faculty of Sciences and Environment (http://erris.gov.ro/INPOLDE-Infrastructure; https://www.unicer.ugal.ro/index.php/en/about-inpolde) & The Integrated Center for Research, Expertise and Technological Transfer in Food Industry (BioAliment-TehnIA) at Faculty of Food Science and Engineering (https://www.unicer.ugal.ro/index.php/en/about-tehnia; https://erris.gov.ro/FOOD-BIOTECHNOLOGY).

The team of Partner UDJG in the ICT-AGRI-FOOD project will be coordinated by the Principal investigator - Prof.dr.habil.eng.phys. Antoaneta ENE (http://www.phys.ugal.ro/Antoaneta_Ene/Curriculum-Vitae.htm) - and will mainly include specialized staff (full professors/doctoral supervisors , associate professors and lecturers, junior researchers) and auxiliary staff, from the Faculty of Sciences and Environment (Department of Chemistry, Physics and Environment), Faculty of Food Science and Engineering (Department of Food Science and Engineering, Biotechnologies and Aquaculture), and ReFORM-UDJG Multidisciplinary Research Platform, INPOLDE and BioAliment centers.

The responsibilities of Romanian partner team are: coordination of the project (technical and financial) from partner side, coordination of dissemination and communication activities, development of innovative methods for optimized analysis of various toxics in food items in Romania (toxic metals and trace elements, radioisotopes, enzymes, allergens) using high performance techniques (HR-CS-AAS, XRF, gamma-ray spectrometry, HPLC), training of various stakeholders and raising awareness on utilization of digital technology for food metrology and quality assessment, participation in intercomparison exercises with partners from Italy and Poland, preparation of scientific reports and papers; statistical analysis of experimental data; organization of knowlegde and technology transfer international workshop; administration of social network page of the project, contribution to the IT platform.
