Home | SC IPA SA Institute for Scientific Research and Technological Development in Automation-Informatics, Bucharest, Romania
SC IPA SA Institute for Scientific Research and Technological Development in Automation-Informatics, Bucharest, Romania
SC IPA SA Institute for Scientific Research and Technological Development in Automation-Informatics, Bucharest, Romania Aarhus University
Organisation type:
Research organisations
Network / partnership
ICT provider
Short name:
IPA-SA is the main Romanian Institute of Research and Design in Informatics-Automation, currently employing about 120 people. The Institute has in operation two Technological Transfer Centres. It is member of Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and of the Romanian Employers Association for Research. It is based in Bucharest. It has 3 subsidiaries in the main Romanian towns, covering almost all geographical Romanian area. IPA was founded in 1960 and it’s specialists have established direct relations with most noteworthy companies and institutions in Romania and abroad, placed in various sectors: IT, Digital Innovation, Digital İnnovatıon Quotient, eAgriculture, eEnergy, Vocational training, eLearning, Knowledge and Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Protection, , eHealth. Our team includes IT software and PC system engineers, technological and automation engineers.
IPA SA is a member of the EEN - Enterprise Europe Network, with 600 organizations from 40 countries, that promotes European labor market, mobility, entrepreneurship and innovation.
IPA promotes entrepreneurship for SMEs, Start-ups and Spin-offs, develops computer systems for creative businesses, and provides advice and business consulting support services to regional companies.
Part of IPA staff has been trained in DIQ-Digital Innovation Quotient services and provides different digitalisation services (eTraining courses, Informatics Systems for Business Development, Digital Business Ecosystems, ERP, CRM concepts, New Business Models; IoT and Cloud Computing- concepts, using, connectivity; Artificial Intelligence Systems-Expert Systems, Neural Networks) to companies to provide them with tailor-made digitalisation support.
IPA SA URL: www.ipa.ro
Key persons
Dr. Spiridon Gabriel, PhD in Engineering Fundamental Sciences and senior Research Engineer, with international visibility, Project Manager, coordinating numerous RTD EC Projects in Europe.
Project Manager: IT, DIQ Certificate, Structural funds, Entrepreneurship, Improve Management for SMEs using IMProve Academy IT facilities, Automation, Innovative management, Internet of Things, Future Internet services, Artificial Intelligence Systems.
Coordination of different European and National projects, as Project coordinator or Partner responsible, for different Programmes e.g. H2020, EUREKA, ERASMUS, Leonardo da Vinci, RTD National Programme PN II, SEE-ERA NET, Structural funds.
Dr. Eugen Pop has a PhD in 3 G / 4G mobile and wireless telecommunications systems and is a Senior Researcher in the R&D Department of IPA SA, Project Manager. He is also experienced in Digital Innovation, innovation management and entrepreneurship applied in mobile systems, data transmission wireless networks, Internet of Things, Future Internet services. Dr. eng. Eugen Pop, has international visibility, he presented papers at many international scientific conferences, workshops meetings.
SC IPA SA Institute for Scientific Research and Technological Development in Automation-Informatics, Bucharest, Romania
Aarhus University
IPA-SA is the main Romanian Institute of Research and Design in Informatics-Automation, currently employing about 120 people. The Institute has in operation two Technological Transfer Centres. It is member of Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and of the Romanian Employers Association for Research. It is based in Bucharest. It has 3 subsidiaries in the main Romanian towns, covering almost all geographical Romanian area. IPA was founded in 1960 and it’s specialists have established direct relations with most noteworthy companies and institutions in Romania and abroad, placed in various sectors: IT, Digital Innovation, Digital İnnovatıon Quotient, eAgriculture, eEnergy, Vocational training, eLearning, Knowledge and Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Protection, , eHealth. Our team includes IT software and PC system engineers, technological and automation engineers.
IPA SA is a member of the EEN - Enterprise Europe Network, with 600 organizations from 40 countries, that promotes European labor market, mobility, entrepreneurship and innovation.
IPA promotes entrepreneurship for SMEs, Start-ups and Spin-offs, develops computer systems for creative businesses, and provides advice and business consulting support services to regional companies.
Part of IPA staff has been trained in DIQ-Digital Innovation Quotient services and provides different digitalisation services (eTraining courses, Informatics Systems for Business Development, Digital Business Ecosystems, ERP, CRM concepts, New Business Models; IoT and Cloud Computing- concepts, using, connectivity; Artificial Intelligence Systems-Expert Systems, Neural Networks) to companies to provide them with tailor-made digitalisation support.
IPA SA URL: www.ipa.ro
Key persons
Dr. Spiridon Gabriel, PhD in Engineering Fundamental Sciences and senior Research Engineer, with international visibility, Project Manager, coordinating numerous RTD EC Projects in Europe.
Project Manager: IT, DIQ Certificate, Structural funds, Entrepreneurship, Improve Management for SMEs using IMProve Academy IT facilities, Automation, Innovative management, Internet of Things, Future Internet services, Artificial Intelligence Systems.
Coordination of different European and National projects, as Project coordinator or Partner responsible, for different Programmes e.g. H2020, EUREKA, ERASMUS, Leonardo da Vinci, RTD National Programme PN II, SEE-ERA NET, Structural funds.
Dr. Eugen Pop has a PhD in 3 G / 4G mobile and wireless telecommunications systems and is a Senior Researcher in the R&D Department of IPA SA, Project Manager. He is also experienced in Digital Innovation, innovation management and entrepreneurship applied in mobile systems, data transmission wireless networks, Internet of Things, Future Internet services. Dr. eng. Eugen Pop, has international visibility, he presented papers at many international scientific conferences, workshops meetings.