LABORATORY OF PROCESS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN National Technical University of Athens
Organisation type:
Research institutions
Short name:
LPAD is the oldest laboratory of the School of Chemical Engineering at NTUA, which has systematically contributed in the development of the School, since 1908. The area of expertise of LPAD can be summarized in (a) development of novel, functional food products, including product design, quality and sensory control of the final product, as well as shelf-life determination, (b) toolbox development for functional foods and novel processes - development of user-friendly database systems including literature data on food properties, (c) analysis of data, (d) development of mathematical models describing the physical processes and thermo-physical properties of materials, (e) experimental and applied study of the physical industrial processes, such as drying methods, extraction methods, novel encapsulation methods, etc. applied in the food industry, (f) process scale-up, (g) valorization of food waste and by-products, (h) recovery of functional compounds from various natural sources, such as plants, herbs, algae, etc. (i) in vitro digestion studies, and (k) life cycle assessment and environmental management for the determination of the economic and environmental impact of several products and processes. LPAD personnel consists of 2 Professors, 3 permanent researchers, 4 post-doctoral researchers, 6 PhD candidates, as well as 10 undergraduate students preparing their Diploma research thesis.
National Technical University of Athens
LPAD is the oldest laboratory of the School of Chemical Engineering at NTUA, which has systematically contributed in the development of the School, since 1908. The area of expertise of LPAD can be summarized in (a) development of novel, functional food products, including product design, quality and sensory control of the final product, as well as shelf-life determination, (b) toolbox development for functional foods and novel processes - development of user-friendly database systems including literature data on food properties, (c) analysis of data, (d) development of mathematical models describing the physical processes and thermo-physical properties of materials, (e) experimental and applied study of the physical industrial processes, such as drying methods, extraction methods, novel encapsulation methods, etc. applied in the food industry, (f) process scale-up, (g) valorization of food waste and by-products, (h) recovery of functional compounds from various natural sources, such as plants, herbs, algae, etc. (i) in vitro digestion studies, and (k) life cycle assessment and environmental management for the determination of the economic and environmental impact of several products and processes. LPAD personnel consists of 2 Professors, 3 permanent researchers, 4 post-doctoral researchers, 6 PhD candidates, as well as 10 undergraduate students preparing their Diploma research thesis.