Grünlandzentrum Niedersachsen/ Bremen e.V. (Center for Grassland)

Grünlandzentrum Niedersachsen/ Bremen e.V. (Center for Grassland)

Organisation type: 
Research organisations
Network / partnership
Short name: 

The Centre for Grassland/Lower Saxony and Bremen was established in 2011 as a joined venture between science institutions, politics, the grassland farming community, the extension services, the agribusiness sector including the dairy industry regional municipalities, water suppliers and environmental organisations. The objectives of this transdisciplinary network institution are to act as innovation broker between the research and practice communities, to sustainably develop the grassland based agricultural sector including its current and future production and to strengthen grassland related ecosystem services. It is managed by Dr Arno Krause, an expert in geography, geoinformatics and agriculture who has a lot of experience bringing together scientific knowledge with practical users (especially farmers). There are currently 15 persons employed at the GLZ who has their experience in farming, agriculture, water management and environmental science.
