Joint call 2018


The overall objective of the 2018 Joint Call of the ERA-NETs FACCE ERA-GAS, SusAn and ICT-AGRI was to contribute to the development of novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce the GHG intensity of animal production systems in Europe and beyond. This funding initiative calls for applied research. The projects’ potential impact should be relevant for the mitigation of GHG emissions within 5 - 10 years.


The United Nation’s 17 Sustainability Goals simultaneously cover the three pillars of sustainability - economy, environment and society - and the member states’ declared aim is to achieve these goals by 2030. The agricultural sector, and livestock production in particular, faces challenges in meeting the demand for high quality protein while contributing to the reduction in GHG emissions envisaged in the 2015 Paris Agreement. Livestock farming continues to be the main contributor to agricultural emissions, yet it also offers promising options to mitigate emissions. For livestock production systems, GHG emissions represent losses of nitrogen, energy and organic matter that undermine the productivity and efficiency of the sector. Therefore, effective mitigation strategies incorporated into tailored sustainable production systems can not only reduce the contribution of food production to global climate change but also improve the efficiency and viability of supply chains. The transition towards greater sustainability requires all relevant economic, social and environmental dimensions to be taken into account. Novel technologies, solutions and systems including ICT, robotics and intelligent data analyses can help to achieve these goals.


1. The “holistic theme”: Agro-ecological approach to whole animal production systems

2. The “technical theme”: Technical options for the monitoring and mitigation of GHG emissions from animal production systems 

3. The “societal theme”: Social and/or economic approach to livestock production and consumption of animal products 

8 Research projects funded

CCCfarming - Climate Care Cattle Farming Systems Countries involved: NL, IT, LV, PL, LT, FR, USA, BR, IL, DE, UK

FarmSustainaBl - Enabling Smart Livestock Farming Technologies for Environmental Sustainability using Blockchain Countries involved: RO, GR, DK

GrassToGas - Grass To Gas: Strategies to mitigate GHG emissions from pasture based sheep systems Countries involved: UK, FR, UR, NO, IR, NZ, TR

GrASTech - Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) Technologies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Intensity of Pasture-based Cattle Systems Countries involved: BE, FR, UK

M4Models - Manure management for methane mitigation - Improved inventory modelling to support policy actions Countries involved: DK, DE, NL, SE

MELS - Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from livestock systems Countries involved: DE, IR, DK, NZ, FR, CL, PL, GR

MilKey - Decision support system for sustainable and GHG optimised milk production in key European areas Countries involved: DE, PL, GR, BE, IR, FR, NO

SEASOLUTIONS - Seaweeds and seaweed-ingredients to reduce enteric methane emissions from pasture-based sheep, cattle and dairy cows Countries involved: IR, NO, CA, SE, DE, NO, UK


More information can be found on and on