UniPr ranks fourth in Italy, and 46th in the world according to the 2021 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects ARWU in Food Science & Technology. In the field of international planning, UniPR has obtained numerous projects in the Food sector (http://foodproject.unipr.it/it/ricerca/progetti-attivi-finanziati-su-ban...) for a loan, in 'scope H2020, JPI, PRIMA, MSRC action, in the last five years, amounting to approximately € 8.2 million. Among these projects, the only ERC project in the Food sector stands out (the only Starting Grant project funded in the 2020 call in the Life Science area, funded with 2.3 M €).
The economic contribution of private companies for the construction of the new Food Project Area building is significant with the new laboratories dedicated to Agri-Food research --http: //www.foodproject.unipr.it/ (Who we are and mission - food project area) co-financed by different industrial partners
University of Parma
Agri-Food sector
UniPr ranks fourth in Italy, and 46th in the world according to the 2021 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects ARWU in Food Science & Technology. In the field of international planning, UniPR has obtained numerous projects in the Food sector (http://foodproject.unipr.it/it/ricerca/progetti-attivi-finanziati-su-ban...) for a loan, in 'scope H2020, JPI, PRIMA, MSRC action, in the last five years, amounting to approximately € 8.2 million. Among these projects, the only ERC project in the Food sector stands out (the only Starting Grant project funded in the 2020 call in the Life Science area, funded with 2.3 M €).
The economic contribution of private companies for the construction of the new Food Project Area building is significant with the new laboratories dedicated to Agri-Food research --http: //www.foodproject.unipr.it/ (Who we are and mission - food project area) co-financed by different industrial partners