1st Green ERA-HUB research funding Call

Contributions towards a sustainable and resilient agri-food system

The announcement of the 1st Green ERA-HUB Call has been published. The call will be on ‘Contributions towards a sustainable and resilient agri-food system’ and is applicable both for organic and conventional research.

ICT-AGRI-FOOD network is part of Green ERA Hub (GEH) initiative which brings together 15 international networks in the agri-food and biotechnology field. The GEH, also known as the "network of networks," began its activities in September 2022 and plans to launch three research calls covering various thematic areas. The first GEH call involves a funding network consisting of 18 funding bodies from 14 countries: Belgium, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Spain, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay.

In accordance with the Call scope proposals must address one of the following four topics:

Topic 1: Enhance fertilizer efficiency and reduce fertilizer use

Topic 2: Increase European protein self-sufficiency

Topic 3: Mitigate GHG emissions in agricultural and food system

Topic 4: Sustainable energy use and production in agri-food systems

Proposed projects can include approaches for organic farming and/or food as well as conventional approaches. For more details regarding the time-frame and participation in the call, please see Call Announcement and submission tool.

Submission and Deadlines:

  • Deadline for pre-registration of proposals: 20 July 2023 - 12:00h CEST
  • Deadline for full proposal submission: 7 September 2023 - 12:00h CEST

More information: https://www.greenerahub.eu/1stGreenERAHubcall