ICT-AGRI-FOOD ERA-NET Seminar Warsaw 2024 - REPORT

Empowering Agrifood Innovation: Insights from the Business Valorisation Workshop in the Framework of ICT-AGRI-FOOD Funded Projects Seminar 2024 in Warsaw, Poland

During the ICT-AGRI-FOOD Project Seminar in Warsaw Poland, held from January 30 to February 1, 2024, around 60 participants from 26 innovative projects engaged in two dynamic Business Valorisation Workshops: Value2Market &  Partners2Value, facilitated by Alexander Berlin, CEO, and Founder of Berlin Thinking.

The workshop aimed to bridge the gap between research and market application in the European agrifood sector. The workshop facilitated knowledge exchange, emphasizing strategies for commercializing innovative concepts and technologies. Participants engaged in activities focusing on value proposition, end-user approach, and market testing scenarios. Through interactive sessions, attendees identified synergies, mapped partnerships, and explored funding opportunities vital for project success.

Expert advisors from diverse sectors provided invaluable insights, while division into thematic groups streamlined discussions. Real-world examples underscored the practical significance of workshop methodologies, inspiring participants to innovate effectively.

The event's success underscores ICT-AGRI-FOOD's pivotal role in fostering agrifood innovation and aligning with EU sustainability objectives. As projects advance to real-world testing, the workshop has laid a robust foundation for translating research insights into market-ready solutions, thereby catalyzing positive transformations within the food system.

For more information about the workshop please check the report here.

Full seminar report here.