The main objective of INSPIRE is to improve nutrient use efficiency in agriculture by innovative technology capable of measuring nutrient contents in soils and incorporating this data into state-of-the-art decision support tools for farmers. This will be enabled by the development and deployment of novel nutrient sensors, which can be incorporated in agricultural soils and produce high-resolution data on current nutrient levels. The project will explore the best ways to incorporate this data into a cloud-based decision support tool and the effectiveness of the derived fertilization strategies in terms of environmental and economic performance. Connected to this, the project will study farmers’ willingness to accept novel technologies and data sharing among themselves and with other value chain stakeholders. Furthermore, training materials will be produced that help farmers understand preconditions, opportunities, and challenges of novel technologies such as AI in farming.
Nutrient sensing, nutrient sensors, fertilization, nutrient efficiency, decision support, ICT adoption, technology adoption

Project coordinator
Technical University of Munich (TUM), Chair Group Agricultural Production and Resource Economics, Germany
- FINLAND: Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE), Bioeconomy and environment unit - Business economics group
- IRELAND: University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Nanotechnology Group
- TURKEY: MOVE ON Technology Inc. AgriTech Solutions
- POLAND: The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation- State Research Institute (IUNG), Department of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization
Funding institutions
- Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), represented by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Germany.
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland.
- Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland.
- The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye, Turkey.
- The National Centre for Research and Development, Poland.
Project duration
36 Months
The main objective of INSPIRE is to improve nutrient use efficiency in agriculture by innovative technology capable of measuring nutrient contents in soils and incorporating this data into state-of-the-art decision support tools for farmers. This will be enabled by the development and deployment of novel nutrient sensors, which can be incorporated in agricultural soils and produce high-resolution data on current nutrient levels. The project will explore the best ways to incorporate this data into a cloud-based decision support tool and the effectiveness of the derived fertilization strategies in terms of environmental and economic performance. Connected to this, the project will study farmers’ willingness to accept novel technologies and data sharing among themselves and with other value chain stakeholders. Furthermore, training materials will be produced that help farmers understand preconditions, opportunities, and challenges of novel technologies such as AI in farming.
Nutrient sensing, nutrient sensors, fertilization, nutrient efficiency, decision support, ICT adoption, technology adoption
Project coordinator
Technical University of Munich (TUM), Chair Group Agricultural Production and Resource Economics, Germany
Funding institutions
Project duration
36 Months