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This project is funded by the innovation program of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), funding agency is the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). Collaborative project: Development of a low-priced miniaturized mid-infrared (MIR)-Sensor for integrated area-wide slurry management According to the guideline of the BMEL about promoting innovations in agricultural engineering, the project aims to develop low-priced miniaturized mid-infrared (MIR)-Sensors as well as the accompanying control technology and a data infrastructure for the realization of an area-wide slu
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The truly innovative idea of this partnership is to integrate data from distributed information sources to provide new technologies, solutions and cultivation techniques for modern high yielding and low emis-sion precision farming. The com-mercial output targets optimization of key operations in the cropping cycle by balancing profitability for the farmer with risk of unintended emissions from fields and subsur-face.
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We are investigating the application of UAV in the landscape context in order to drive regulatory compliance and business performance.