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The agricultural sector has undergone a massive increase in productivity to meet demands for increased production of inexpensive, high-quality food. These demands have resulted primarily in larger and more productive machines.
This project was funded by the innovation program of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), funding agency was the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) .
Today, planning and application of agricultural pesticides, observancy of field boundary structures and regulations around water courses, including documentation are within the competence and control of the driver who carries out the agricultural process.
Robots invade farmland
An increasing number of farming operations in the field are taken over by robots because many agricultural implements have become so automatic that they can do the job on their own. However, the farmer is not yet completely superfluous since the robots need to be monitored and guided.
For years farmers and their machinery have been partners in shouldering the heavy jobs that have to be done in the field. Now a new type of partnership with machinery is emerging where machines are asked to not merely do the heavy jobs.