Ilse Rasmussen
International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS)
Aarhus University
The International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS; former name DARCOF) was founded by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries in 1996. Legally it is part of Aarhus University, Faculty of Science and Technology but it functions as a research centre without walls, co-ordinating the multidisciplinary Danish research in organic food and farming across universities and institutions. Its main purpose is to initiate, coordinate and monitor high quality organic research, to stimulate international and transnational research across the whole food and feed supply chain and to dissiminate the results from the organic R&D projects it is involved in or monitors. ICROFS has developed the open-access archive on organic research, Organic eprints (, which it hosts and administers in collaboration with national editors in 26 countries. The archive presently contains more than 15,000 publications from all around the world and has almost 30,000 registered users and 6,500 daily visits. Organic eprints includes peer-reviewed publications as well as “grey” literature such as conference papers, reports and popular articles in newspapers and magazines. Web product and videos as well as teaching resources can also be stored there. The archive has been rated as number 80 out of more than 1750 archives in the world. It is the 6th largest archive in the world on agriculture. Facility: Organic Eprints is an electronic open access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture. The main objectives are to document the research effort, to facilitate the communication of research papers and proposals, and to improve the dissemination and impact of research findings. In accordance with these objectives the archive was designed to facilitate international use and cooperation.