Mikko Jarvinen
Production Animal Research
Biotechnology and Food Research
Economic Research
Plant Production Research
Senior Research Scientist
MTT Agrifood Research Finland
Expertise: MTT Agrifood Research Finland is leading research institute developing sustainability and competitiveness of the food system. MTT carries out research within eight fixed-term research programmes. The programmes enable a multidisciplinary approach to research, essential to problem-solving. Programme-based research allows us to focus our resources in a customer-orientated manner and to react rapidly to changes in research needs. In this way we are better able to meet the research needs of society and business life. The programmes create the framework for cooperation between research organisations. They provide a channel for linking with national and EU-level research programmes. The research programmes form clearly-defined entities, making it easy to involve customers in their planning and utilisation. The research programmes comprise a set of spearhead projects. The programmes aggregate research cooperation partners and research result beneficiaries, involving them in the Facility: Research dairy barn equipped for feed and behaviour trials and equipment testing. Possibility to monitor individual cows' activity and welfare for example rumen pH and temperature and feeding activities. Priority: - Animal behaviour and welfare - Precision livestock farming - Equipment testing for farmers