Lene Juul Pedersen
Behaviour and stress biology
Department of Animal Science
Aarhus University
Expertise: Lene Juul Pedersen (LJP) has been a senior scientist at Aarhus University, Department of Animal Science since 2002. The main focus of research have been on reproductive and maternal behaviour as well as foraging and exploratory behaviour of pigs. The research aims at gaining knowledge that can be used to design commercial housing facilities, management procedures and IKT based survaillance methods to improve pig welfare and productivity. LJP has been project manager for several larger projects on neonatal piglet mortality in relation to the farrowing environment aiming amongst other to develop IKT based survaillance methods to improve animal health and welfare. These projects have been carried out in collaboration with national and international scientific partners as well as the pig industry. LJP has participated as expert in working groups on Pig welfare in EFSA (European Food and Safety Association) as well as under the Danish Ministry of Justice. Facility: The department of Animal Science have excelent lab and farm animal facilities. In the swine house facilities video equipment has been estabilshed at a larger number of pens together with water meters and thermal sensors. In addition it is possible to measure feed consumption at pen level. Thus the facilities offers the possibility to make survaillance based on video, water and feed consumption and to continously monitor the thermal environment in each pen. Priority: Animal behaviour and welfare, precision livestock farming,