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Expertise: ScientAct S.A. was established, on 1995. from people with extremely business and scientific experience at the field of high technology and its applications, at the fields of environmental research equipment and monitoring.
In 2001 our company received the certificate ISO 9001 quality assurance and thereafter operate under regulations of the certification, providing high quality services to our partners.
Our company is registered at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chamber of the manufacturers
In September 2008 our company received the ISO 17025 certificate and has accredited laboratory ESYD (Hellenic Accreditation System S.A.) for the design, installation of telemetric meteorological systems
with us for over 15 years. The constant and complete training in combination with the many years of experience, compose the guarantees for the faultless communication and collaboration with the customers.
Except the permanent collaborators, the company is co-operating with many domestic companies in all Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Cyprus with the form of free co-operation
The company