Arzu Baloglu
Engineering Faculty
Marmara University
Experience managing large complex projects-to manage multiple projects, stakeholders and organizations with conflicting needs objectives priorities and schedules, comfortable with financial management, in depth knowledge functionality surrounding SAP. In addition, 5 years of industry management consulting experience with willingness to travel and strong communication skills. Experienced in implementing some package software such as ERP, SCM, CRM, design main requirement/specifications and produce future state for that and then start implementation, and managing implementation life cycles. Excellent at troubleshooting, problem solving, team managing, motivating them. Communication and teamwork is perfect. Hardworking, intelligence, open and positive minded, productive and project based success. Key Skills • Over 15 years worth of experience in project managing, consulting, business administration and activities evaluating, reviewing and managing the setting up CRM, ERP, MRP II and e-business solutions • Able to lead, organise and motivate project teams towards their goal while under pressure of tight deadlines in a resource constrained environment. • Effective at giving seminars, trainings, some business within a dynamic business environment. • Produce effective and productive project methodology • Develop new business opportunities and products • Widely experienced in IT consulting, service managing and project management • Strong managerial and operational functions • Effective communicator with persuasive and advisory skills. • Develop new business projects, process and improve existing one I- PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND University of Marmara Istanbul, TURKEY Assoc. Prof, Engineering Faculty 2002 September - • Courses: MIS, DSS, e-business, systems analysis and design, business communication, software project management, ERP/SAP Implementation, CRM, e-marketing • Coordinating Erasmus-Socrates Activities for computer engineering department • Coordinating Leonardo Internship Program and related projects for all departments of university University of Marmara Istanbul, TURKEY Corporate Director of Eramus and International Office 2010 - 2015 LOGO Software House AS, (LBS) Istanbul,TURKEY Vice President / (CRM-Support, Consulting, Education) 2000 January- 2001 April • To set up e-business project within LBS • To understand and operate the Advanced Services Management System. • To process and progress failure information received from Customers or Customer Service Centre Staff and forward to Product Lines. • To produce Seasonal Reports for Customer Projects and distribute them as required. • To attend Customer Operational and Maintenance Meetings, as required. • To assist with the distribution and control of Technical Information to Customers and Customer Service Centre Staff. • To be in CRM project and support it. • To start and coordinate the projects of e-learning, e-CRM, e-support… Telsim Telecommunication , Istanbul,TURKEY SAP Project Coordinator 1998 Feb .- 2001 January SAP Implementation Project supervising for nine companies such as Telsim, Rumeli Telekom, Aktif Kablo, Rumeli Technique, Unite, Rumeli Net (All steps i.e. current step, future step, conceptual design, Detailed Design , Productive cutover and complementary steps) I can inform more detail on request Ernst &Young-Turkey An Affiliated Firm of Ernst &Young International, Istanbul, TURKEY ERP Consulting Manager 1995 – 1998 Fully responsible of SAP Projects in Turkey and other consulting projects such as package selection, reengineering, knowledge management and IT project management • Served three years as both a S&D ( SAP-Sales and Distribution) consultant and SAP Project Manager for AKA Automotive Inc. (Automotive Sector) and Dünya Hali Inc. (Carpet Sector). • Execute some business process improvement activities • Coordinate the staffing • Place the resource for internal and large multinational projects out of country • Communicate with business partner and main contractors such as SAP Turkey, QAD and Scala Turkey • Supervised or received demonstrations for most of the leading ERP packages in Turkey. • Supervised 3 Package Selection Process in Turkey. • Managing SAP Project for the largest telecommunication company ‘TELSİM’ of Turkey and supervising project quality as Project Executive. Informix Inc, Login Bilgisayar Programları A.S. ISTANBUL Project Manager and Vice President for ERP department 1990-1995 • Established and managed Tetra-Chameleon 2000 (MRPII) software department of Login Software Inc. for 5 years in Turkey. She joined a lot of distributor and training meetings in UK, Maidenhead. After that, Chameleon 2000 has been upgraded to CS/3 (Client Server 3) (ERP). She managed 5 CS/3 Projects, which is in manufacturing industry in Turkey. • Attended seminars as lecturer at associations such as TRUUG (Turkish Unix Users’ Group), Chamber of Mechanical Engineering and leading universities such as Boğaziçi University and Istanbul Technical University and she gave lectures on MRPII, ERP, Software Implementation, Production Management and Project Management. • Conducted numerous presentations and professional training courses on Production Management, Project Management, Package Selection Principles, MRPII and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. • Her articles about MRP, MRPII, ERP and CIM were published in various professional periodicals and journals. • Managed major Tetra-MRPII implementation projects in the leading manufacturing companies such as ‘’MAG-Mert Akışkan Gücü, Şişe Cam Fabrikaları TAŞ, Tezsan Takım Tezgahları AŞ, ORS-Ortadoğu Rulman Sanayi AŞ ‘’in Turkey. Education Qualifications and Training: 1992 – 1999 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY, Management School Ph.D in Production Management, Decision Making Model with IT support (1990-1992) ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY, Management School MBA in Production Management, ERP Packages Comparatives (1989-1990) ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY, Management School (Isletme Iktisadi Enstitusu) Business Administration Program (1983-1987) TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ISTANBUL Bs in Chemical Engineering Book: 1. Baloglu. A., (2005) “Implementing SAP R/3 in the 21st Century: Methodology and Case Studies”, ISBN:975-400-285-1, Marmara University-Communication Faculty. Publication Number: 2005/1. 1st Edition. 2. Baloglu A., ve Karadag L. (2008) “Internet ve Pazarlama: Başarı Öyküleri, Başarılı Oyuncuların Sırları”, (Marmara Üniversitesi Yayın No: 759). ISBN: 978-975-400-315-4, 1. Baskı 3. Baloglu A. (2015) “Sosyal Medya Madenciliği” ISBN: 9786053333708. Beta Yayınları. Pages: 196. 1st Edition. Editor. 4. Baloglu. A., and Gündüz. S., (2017) “Akıllı Startup: Online Girişimciler için daha iyi bir yaklaşım” Çeviri Kitap. Yayınevi: Çağlayan Yayınları. ISBN: 978-975-436-107-0. EISBN : 978-975-436-103-2. 5. Baloglu. A., (2018) “New Generation SAP: Implementation Methodologies with industrial case studies”, Çağlayan Yayınevi. ISBN: 978-975-436-128-5, Pages: 202.. 6. Baloglu. A., (2020) “Bana İcat Çıkar: Dijital Çağda İnovasyon Geliştirme”, Nobel Uluslararası Yayınevi. ISBN: 978-625-406-361-9, Pages: 198 7. Baloglu. A., (2021) “Yaratıcı Beynin Gizemi "Devrim Yaratan Dahi Beyinler", Nobel Uluslararası Yayınevi. ISBN: 978-625-417-350-9, Pages: 265 Book Chapter: 1. Baloglu. A. (2006) “Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Elektronik Ticaret”, Ekin Kitabevi. ISBN: 975-8768-81-6. 1. Baskı. Sayfa: 193 e-book: 1. Baloglu. A., (2005) “Implementing SAP R/3 in the 21st Century: Methodology and Case Studies”,, (Turkish online journal of educational technology) ISBN: 975-98590-1-7, Current Issue Vol.4 Issue 3 – 2005. 2. Baloglu.A and at al.,(2012) “Multilingual Dictionary of Forecasting”, Reviewer, The e-book Multilingual Dictionary of Forecasting was issued on Amazon and is available worldwide from this address: List of papers in Local Publication 1. Baloglu. A., (1994) “Birleştirilmiş Model Üretimler”, CAD+ Ekim. Sayfa: 34 2. Baloglu. A., (1995) “Zeki Üretim Programlama Sistemleri”, Otomasyon Dergisi, Aralık. Sayfa : 84-87 3. Baloglu. A., (1995) “Üretim Sistemlerinde Bilgi Temsili”, CAD+ Mart. Sayfa: 25 4. Baloglu. A., (2001) “Bilgi ve Internet”, Executive Excellence, Yıl.4 Sayı: 48. Sayfa: 14 5. Baloglu. A., (2001) “Kurumsal Üniversiteler için Uzaktan Eğitim Kuruluş Stratejisi”, IT Business. Sayı : 34, Ağustos. Sayfa : 20-26 6. Baloglu. A., and Akkartal. E., (2004) “ERP Projects In The Next Millenium”, Deniz Harp Okulu Bülteni, Yıl:231, Nisan 2004, Sayı:40. Sayfa: 56 7. Baloglu. A., (2004) “How to convert your business to web world”, Deniz Harp Okulu Bülteni, Yıl:231, Nisan 2004, Sayı:40. Sayfa: 39 8. Baloglu. A., (2008) “Yazılım Projelerinde Başarısızlığın Kaynakları”, Aylık Bilişim Kültür Dergisi, Eylül 2008. Yıl: 37. Sayı: 108. ISSN: 1303-6300 9. Baloglu, A., (2008) “Effects of Local Culture on ERP Implementation and a Turkish Project Case Review” Journal of Marmara Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Science. Volume:19 Pages: 1-21 10. Baloğlu A , Kaplancalı U. Kılıç S. (2019) “Bakıma İhtiyaç Duyan Yaşlılar İçin Yardımcı Sosyal Robot Araştırması ve Analizi”. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi. 31.10.2019. Sayfa: 1-8. DOI: 11. Baloğlu A , Kaplancalı U. (2020) “Online Background Check System for e-recruitment Pre-employment Screening for Turkish Companies”. Uluslararası Akademik Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi. Cilt 6, Sayı:8 ISSN: 2149-1984 Pages: 49-62 List of papers in Local Conferences: 1. Baloglu. A., (1998) “Uzman Sistem Desteğiyle Bir ERP Seçim Modeli”, Bilişim’98, TBD 15. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı. 2-6 Eylül. 2. Baloglu. A., (2002) “Web Stratejinin Belirlenmesi üzerine Teknikler?”, YAEM (Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği) XXIII. Ulusal Kongresi 3-5 Temmuz, İstanbul. 3. Baloglu. A., (2002) “Geleceğin ERP Projeleri”, TBD 19th Bilişim Kurultayı. 3-6 Eylül 4. Baloglu. A., (2003) “E-Belediyeler Içindeki e-Hizmetler Için Bir Tasarim”, Yapi Ve Kentte Bilişim’ 2003, Milli Kütüphane - Ankara, 4-5 Aralık 5. Baloglu. A., (2004) “CRM Performansını Ölçmede Yeni Bir Yaklaşım”, III. Bilgi Teknolojileri Kongresi ve Fuarı. Pamukkale Universitesi. 7-9 Ekim. 6. Baloglu, A., (2005) “İş Geliştirmede Doğru Internet Stratesinin Önemi“, Akademik Bilişim, 2005. Gaziantep Universitesi. 2-4 Şubat. 7. Baloglu. A., (2006) “Başarılı CRM Uygulamaları için Anahtar Faktörler”, Bilgi Teknolojileri Kongresi IV. Akademik Bilişim 2006. Denizli. 9-11 Şubat 8. Baloglu, A., (2007) “Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Elektronik Ticaretin Bugünkü Analizi“, Akademik Bilişim, 2007. Dumlupınar Universitesi. 31 Ocak-2 Şubat. 9. Baloglu, A., (2007) “Elektronik İhale Yönetim Sistemi ve Bir İş Akış Modeli“, Internet Konferansı- Bilkent Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, 8-10 Kasım 2007. 10. Baloglu, A., (2008) “Development a Real Estate Directory“, Bilişim’08 Yakınsama Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara Sheriton Hotel. 19-21 Kasım 2008. Page: 31 11. Baloglu, A., Tumer, E. (2010) “Bağlantısız web uygulamalarının felaket yönetiminde kullanıma yönelik bir model tasarımı”, Muğla Üniversitesi, Akademik Bilişim, 10-13, Şubat 2010. Pages: 281-286 12. Baloglu,A., Yılmaz,Y. (2011) “Bir CMMI Uygulaması Değerlendirmesi”, Bilişim 2011, 28. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı, Bildiriler Kitabı. Pages: 114-118 13. Baloglu, A. (2013) “ERP uygulamalarının İnşaat Kullanımına Yönelik Araştırma ve bir Durum Analizi”, Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Akademik Bilişim- Ocak,2013 14. Baloglu, A. (2013) “Uluslararasi Dönüşüm Hikayesi: Alınan Dersler ve Değerlendirmeler”, Bozok Üniversitesi, Hareketlilik programına akademik yaklaşımlar çalıştayı, 09-10 Mayıs 2013, Yozgat. Sayfa: 12 15. Baloglu, A. (2017) “Sosyal Medyanın Devlet Yönetimine Etkisi”, Akademik Bilişim 2017. Aksaray Üniversitesi, 08-10 Şubat 2017, Aksaray 16. Baloğlu, A., Erdem, G., Kılıç, S., Otan-Karaoğlu, E., Doğan, E.İ., & Tükel, D. "Yeni Normalde Işyeri Çalişma Kontrolüne Yönelik Akilli Sistemler” AIHB-2022 Congress of AI-Human Interaction in Business. 21-22 Mayıs, 2022 International Workhops: 1. Baloglu. A. (2004) “web applications in industry and effects on the business performance” ICETE 2004. International Conference On e-business And Telecommunication Networks. August. Lisbon 25-28 April. 2. Baloglu. A. (2006) “New Learning Models: Application and Analysis” IMCL, The second International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning, 17-20 April. Amman, Jordan. 3. Baloglu. A. (2009) “Web engineering/mining/crawling” The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems” March 21, 2009. Cairo- Eygpt List of Papers in International Conferences: 1. Baloglu, A., and Akkartal. E., (2002) “Bir Kolejin Internet Destekli Eğitim Yönetim Projesi“, II. International Educational Technology Conference and Fair. 16-18 Ekim. 2. Baloglu, A., (2002) “Various Approaches to Successful e-learning Implementations “, Proceedings of the Third International Conference organized by the University of Sheffield and Lancaster. 26th-28th March. 3. Baloglu, A., (2004) “The balanced scorecard approach for measuring CRM and Logistics performance of a GSM company “, International Logistics Congress, Proceedings Volume II. Dokuz Eylül Publication. School of Maritime Business and Management. 4. Baloglu, A., and Akkartal. E., (2005) “Security Analysis in Electronic Banking: Security Approachs of dedicated Turkish Banks with case studies, International Informatics Congress. Biltek 2005. ISBN: 975-98930-6-1. Eskişehir. 10-12 June. 5. Baloglu, A., and Ozen. B., (2005) “A Study On Evaluation Of Supply Chain Management Applications At Local Turkish Companies“, Proceedings of SCMIS 2005. 3rd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems. ISBN: 960-87869-2-4 6. Baloglu, A., (2006) “Web Enabled Patient Communication And Health Monitoring“, The 24th International EuroPACS Conference. June 14th to 17th. Trondheim. Norway. Proceeding in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\PACKS2006 Trondheim Papers\menu.html 7. Baloglu, A., (2007) “ Cooperative Online Submission: Business Analysis and a Workflow Model” The Third International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems (SITIS'2007). Conference Proceeding Published by IEEE and referenced in IEEE explore, EI, INSPEC and other engineering indexes 8. Mudassar, W. and Baloglu, A. (2009) “An Architecture for a Web Based Patient Information & Monitoring System” The American Society for Engineering Education. Austin, TX, June 14 - 17, 2009 9. Baloglu, A., (2009) “Web Based Course Automation with Document Crawler” Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems” March 19-22, 2009, Egypt-Cairo. Conference Proceeding published by ACM. Pages: 149-153 10. Baloglu, A., Mehmet S.Aktas, (2010) BlogMiner: Web Blog Mining Application for Classification of Movie Reviews, (Submitted to IEEE Computer Society) The Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2010), Barcelona, Spain, May 2010. Pages: 77-84. (Best paper Award) 11. Baloglu, A. And Güler, S. And Arunachalam, S. (2010) “ Developing Interactive Online Submission Platform” ICIRET 2010, International Conference on Innovative research and technology. India 12-13-14 August. 12. Baloglu, A. And Yılmaz, Y. (2012) “ Database Design of a COBIT Performance Measurement System with UML” WebTech 2012, 2nd International Conference Proceeding on Web Technologies & Internet Applications. Bali, Indonesia. Pages:1-5 13. Baloglu, A. And Incegül, M. (2012) “ GIS Enables Real Estate Listing Service” WebTech 2012, 2nd International Conference Proceeding on Web Technologies & Internet Applications. Bali, Indonesia. Pages: 6-11 14. Baloglu, A. (2014) “Security analysis in electronic banking: an evaluation model of some Turkish Banks”. International Conference on Global Economy, Commerce and Service Science, gecss-14 ISBN: 978-90-78677-96-3 (GECSS2014). January 11-12, 2014, Phuket, Thailand 15. Baloglu, A. (2015) “Message Framework for Disaster Management: An application model for mines” Waset 2015. International Conference on Computer and Automation Technology. Rio De Dejenario/Brazil. 11-12 February. 16. Baloglu,A. and Alptuna E. (2016) “An Analysis on Social Media Security” Proceeding of Research World International Conference. 10th January 2016, Doha-Qatar. ISBN: 978-93-82702-73-3. 17. Baloglu, A. (2016) “Digital Convergence in Social Marketing” Keynote Speech. ICSEIT 2016: 18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Integration Technology. Istanbul/Turkey. 19-20 December. 2016 18. Baloglu, A., Ünver, O. (2016) “Özgeçmiş Doğrulama Sistem Modeli”, UBMK’16, International Conference on Computer Science and engineering. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Tekirdag. 20-23 Ekim. Proceeding Pages: 57-61. 19. Baloglu, A. and Kaplancalı U.(2017) “Background Check System for Turkish IT Companies”. ICCRD 2017: The 9th International Conference on Computer Research and Development. (Best Oral Presenter) Jan. 13-16, 2017. Conference Abstracts: Page: 33. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 20. Baloglu, A. and Unlu, E. (2017) “A data analysis on healthy aging using WHO data”. ICAS 4: The 4th International Conference on Advance Sciences. Nov. 07-10th, 2017. Conference Proceedings: Page: 120. Hurghada, Egypt. 21. Baloglu, A. (2018) “Sosyal Medya’nın Devlet Yönetimine Etkisi”. 5th International Conference on “Social and Economic Impacts of Globalization” 5-7 September 2018 Montenegro. 22. Baloglu, A. (2018) “An General Research Model on Social Media Privacy”. 5th International Conference on “Social and Economic Impacts of Globalization” 5-7 September 2018 Montenegro. 23. Baloglu, A. (2018) “Instagram Marketing”. ICIEM 2018: 20th International Conference on Internet Economics and Markets. October. 22-23, 2018. Keynote Speaker. Full paper Proceedings: Pages: 1433-1440. İstanbul 24. Baloglu, A. (2019) “New Trends of SAP Project İmplementations”. The first international conference on virtual reality. April. 4-6, 2019. Urfa. Extended Abstract Proceedings: Pages: 25. Baloglu, A. and Kaplancali U. (2019) “Bakıma İhtiyacı olan Yaşlılar için Yardımcı Robot Araştırması ve Analizi” HORA 2019. International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotics Applications” 5-7 July 2019 Urgup, Nevsehir. Turkey. 26. Baloglu, A. (2019) “The Expectations of care needed elderly people in Turkey about an assistive robot” Eurasia Research. 15th International Conference on research in Life Sciences & Healthcare (ICRLSH). Istanbul. Keynote Speaker. 27. Baloglu, A. (2020) “Smart city İstanbul against Pandemics” Eurasia Research. 5th International Conference on research in Sciences & Technology (ICSTR). Greece, Athens. Keynote Speaker 28. Baloglu, A. (2021) “Dijital Ölümsüzlük ve Gelecek Çalışmalar” VI. International Holistence Academy Congress: SOCIETY 5.0 Athens. Online conference. Keynote Speaker Journal Papers: 1. Baloglu, A., and Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem (2007) “Web Enabled Patient Monitoring System: A Semantic Network Modeling”. Egyptian Computer Science Journal (ECS Journal) Volume 29, Number 2,May. 2. Baloglu, A., (2007) “A Flexible Mobile Education System Approach”, The Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology. ISSN: 1303-6521 volume 6 Issue 4 Article 1. October 2007 3. Baloglu, A., and Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem (2008) “ Intelligent Web Based System: a Proposed Model for e-lab Services” International Journal of Soft Computing Applications. ISSN: 1453-2277 Issue 2, pp: 15-25. 4. Baloglu, A., (2008) “A Statement Analysis on Electronic Manufacturing Execution Systems”, Journal of Naval Science and engineering. ISSN: 1304-2025, Volume 4 Number:1, December 2008 5. Baloglu, A. and Wyne, F. Mudassar (2010) “Web 2.0 Based Intelligent Software Architecture for Photograph Sharing” International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 6(4), 17-29, October-December 2010 6. Baloglu, A. and Arunachalam S. (2010) “Reengineering the supply chain in the internet age: ABB Turkey Inc.” Int. Journal Logistics Economics and Globalization Vol. 2, No: 3, 2010. Page: 233-249 7. Baloglu, A. and Aktas M. (2010) “Mining Movie Reviews from Web Blogs: An approach to Automatic Review Mining” International Journal On Advances in Internet Technology. 2010 Vol. 3&4 February, 2011 8. Baloglu, A. and Cinar A. (2015) “Message Framework for Disaster Management: An application model for mines”. İnternational Science Index. Online special journal issues. Vol: 09. No: 02. Order: 115. February 2015. 9. Baloğlu A , Kaplancalı U. Kılıç S. (2019) “Bakıma İhtiyaç Duyan Yaşlılar İçin Yardımcı Sosyal Robot Araştırması ve Analizi”. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi. 31.10.2019. Sayfa: 1-8. Doi: 10. Baloğlu A , Kaplancalı U. (2020) “Online Background Check System for e-recruitment Pre-employment Screening for Turkish Companies”. Uluslararası Akademik Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi. Cilt 6, Sayı:8 ISSN: 2149-1984 Pages: 49-62 11. Baloglu, A, Ünlü, E. (2020) “Data Mining Analysis on Healthy Aging in Turkey” International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences. Cilt:6 Sayı:1 Sayfa: 12-16 ISSN: 2414-3057 Doi: 10.20469/ijhms.6.30003-1 12. Baloglu, A, Tükel, T. Binay, A. Selcen, K. (2020) “Endüstriyel Üretim Tesisleri İçin Asistan Robot Araştırması Ve Analizi” Uluslararası Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri ve Bilgisayar Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt:4 Sayı:1 Sayfa: 13-27, ISSN: 45345435346436 Doi: List of papers in International Publication: 1. Baloglu. A., and Arunchalam S. and Page T. (2006) “Re Engineering the Supply Chain In Internet Age.” SME Technical Paper. Product ID: TP06PUB119. Published: Oct 04, 2006. 27 pp. Conferences including organization committee: 1. IESPHR 2006, International Symposium on Electronic Personal Health Records, 28th of September 2006. Trondheim, Norway. 2. IMCL, The second International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning. 17-20 April. Amman, Jordan 3. 2019 International Conference on Computer Science and Technologies in Education (, Which takes place in Cairo, Egypt during March 22-24, 2019. Session Chairs: 1. SITIS’2007, The Third International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems. “Session Chair for the session WITDS-S5: E-Commerce and E-Learning”. Journal Editorship: 1. Associate editorial board of IJSCA (EuroJournals, Inc. AMS Publishing, Austria) 2008 2. Membership of Editorial Board of IJEF (International Journal of Economic and Finance) 2008 Awards: 1. Academic Success Award, “Service” Category, 2013, Marmara University 2. Best paper Award, The Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2010), Barcelona, Spain 3. Best Oral Presenter Award, “Background Check System” Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, 2017 4. H2020, call: wellness and ehealth and active aging. Evaluator, Brussel, Belgium. 2017 Evaulatorships and mentoring: 1. Tubitak Teydeb 2. TTGV 3. Sanayi Bakanlığı AR-GE 4. EU H2020 Calls 5. Inosuit “İnovasyon Odaklı Mentorluk (Innovation focused mentoring)”, 2019-2020 Refereeships: 1. 2005 Teknoloji Ödülleri, Değerlendirme Komitesi Üyesi 2. 2007 Teknoloji Ödülleri, Değerlendirme Komitesi Üyesi 3. 2007 Altın Örümcek En İyi Web Sitesi Değerlendirme Kurulu Üyesi ve Yarışma Danışmanı 4. 2009 Teknoloji Ödülleri, Değerlendirme Komitesi Üyesi 5. 2009 TBD-BilişimYıldızları “edönüşüm yarışması” organizasyon komitesi uyesi 6. TUBITAK (THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKEY