Cigdem Cavdaroglu
Intelligent Agriculture and Livestock Applications Laboratory
Department of Information Technologies
Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülsüm Çiğdem Çavdaroğlu 1. Name : Gülsüm Çiğdem Çavdaroğlu 2. Birth Date : 1981 3. Academic Title : Assistant Professor 4. Education : Degree Department University Dates BS Mathematics Engineering Yıldız Technical University 1998-2003 MS Remote Sensing and GIS Yıldız Technical University 2003-2006 PhD Remote Sensing and GIS Yıldız Technical University 2006-2013 5. Academic Titles Year Title University Department 2018 Assist. Prof. Işık University Information Technologies 6. Supervised MS and PhD Theses 1. A Robust Gradient Boosting Model based on SMOTE and NEAR MISS Methods for Intrusion Detection in Imbalanced Data Sets (Saldırı Tespit Sistemleri için Dengesi Veri Setlerinde SMOTE ve NEAR MISS Metotlarına Dayalı Güçlü Gradyan Artırma Modeli), Ahmet Okan Arık, Master of Science, Information Technologies Department, 2022. 2. A Theoretical Comparison of Resnet and Densenet Architectures on the Subject of Shoreline Extraction (Resnet ve Densenet Mimarilerinin Kıyı Şeridi Çıkarımı Konusunda Teorik bir Karşılaştırılması), Mert İlhan Ecevit, Master of Science, Information Technologies Department, 2020. 3. Clinical Decision Making System for Early Diagnosis of Types of SMA Disease (Klinik Karar Sistemi ile SMA Hastalığının Tiplerinin Erken Teşhisi), Çağlayan Onur Taner, Master of Science, Information Technologies Department, 2019. 7. Publications 7.1. Journal Publications (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities) 1. B. Bayram, H.K. Koca, B. Narin, G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, L. Celik, U. Acar, R. Çubuk, An Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Tumor Detection in Contrast Enhanced Breast MRI by Using Artificial Neural Network (Neubrea), Neural Network World Journal, vol.5, pp.483-498, 2013. 7.2. Journal Publications (Non SCI-Expanded) 1. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Correlation Analysis between the Community Mobility and Nighttime Lights in the City of Istanbul, Turkey, International Journal of Innovative Research in Sciences and Engineering Studies (IJIRSES), Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 5-10, ISSN: 2583-1658, 2022. 2. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, M. Gökmen, A Character Segmentation Method to Increase Character Recognition Accuracy for Turkish License Plates, Mathematics and Computer Science. Vol. 6, No. 6, 2021, pp. 92-104. doi: 10.11648/j.mcs.20210606.13. 3. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Google Earth Engine Based Approach for Finding Fire Locations and Burned Areas in Muğla, Turkey, American Journal of Remote Sensing, vol.9, iss.2, pp.72-77, 2021. 7.3. International Conference Papers 1. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, An Analysis of the Effects of External Factors on Covid-19 Projections, II. International COVID-19 and Current Issues Congress, Babil Yayınevi, Iconsos Publishing House 2021, ISBN: 978-605-74582-5-4, Online Participation, 2021. 2. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Trafik Yoğunluk Harita Görüntülerinin Görüntü İşleme Yöntemleriyle İşlenmesi, International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science - 2016, Alanya, Türkiye, 2016. 3. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, E. Ergen, CanBus Verilerinin Android Tabletlerde Gösterilmesi, International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science - 2015, Valencia, Spain, 2015. 4. E. Ergen, G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Map Based Intersection Collision Avodiance System, ERTICO ITS World Congress 2014, Helsinki, Finland, 2014. 5. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, E. Ergen, Speed Management At Bends Using LDM, ERTICO ITS World Congress 2014, Helsinki, Finland, 2014. 7.4. Book Chapters 1. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Managing the Dynamic Geographical Data in Intelligent Transportation Systems Using Local Dynamic Map, Current Researches in Engineering and Architecture Sciences, IVPE, First Edition, June 2020, Cetinje-Montenegro, ISBN: 978-9949-46-027-3. 7.5. National Journal Publications 2. B. Bayram, G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, D. Şeker, S. Külür, A Novel Approach to Automatic Detection of Interest Points in Multiple Facial Images, International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics 4(2), 116-127, 2017. 3. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Trafik Yoğunluk Harita Görüntülerinin Görüntü İşleme Yöntemleriyle İşlenmesi, Academic Platform-Journal of Engineering and Science, 5 (2), 22-28, 2017. 4. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Akıllı Yüz İlinti Bölgeleri ve Noktaları, YTÜ Sigma Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 31, 246-261, 2013. 7.6. National Conference Papers 1. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, CBS’de Yeni Bir Katman: Yerel Dinamik Harita, Uzaktan Algılama – Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Sempozyumu (UZAL) - 2016, 1083, Adana, Türkiye, 2016. 2. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, E. Ergen, Gömülü Sistemler İçin Yüksek Performanslı Harita Veri Yapısı, Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (UYMS) - 2015, Vol-1483, Izmir, Türkiye, 2015. 3. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Semantik Web Altyapısıyla Duygu ve Eylem Modelleme, Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (UYMS) - 2014, Kıbrıs ODTU KKK, 2014. 4. G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, E. Ergen, DGPS'in LDM'e Uyarlanması, Bilişim 2013 Kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye, 2013. 7.7. Other Publications 1. (Speaker) G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Endüstrinin Geleceği: Büyük Veri, Nesnelerin İnterneti, Yapay Zeka, Istanbul Sehir University & TTO, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2017. 2. (Poster) G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, The Key Role of the Smart Traffic Applications in the Smart City Systems, ICAS 2016, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2016. 3. (Speaker) G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Üniversite – Sanayi İşbirliği, IEEE Marmara Region Meeting, Dogus University, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2016. 4. (Speaker) G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, Android Platformunda OpenCV İle Görüntü İşleme, Android Developer Days, Ankara, Türkiye, 2015. 5. (Poster) G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, E. Ergen, M. Önat, H. Gezgen, S. Arslan, S. Futacı, KoçSistem Ar-Ge ve Üniversite İşbirlikleri (KoçSistem R&D and University Collaboration), ÜSİMP 2015, Konya, Türkiye, 2015. 6. (Poster) G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, E. Ergen, KoçSistem Ar-Ge’de Sürdürülebilirlik, ÜSİMP 2015, Konya, Türkiye, 2015. 7. (Poster) G.Ç. Çavdaroğlu, E. Ergen, Konum Düzeltme Verilerinin Dinamik Harita Katmanlarında Saklanması, 1. Karayolu Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri Kongre ve Sergisi - KAUS, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2014. 8. Projects 8.1. PIANiSM (Predictive and Prescriptive Automation in Smart Manufacturing) Company: KoçSistem – İstanbul (2018) Program: ITEA & Tübitak 1509 – International Support Program Responsibility: Idea Owner, International Coordinator (11 months) 8.2. MOS2S (Media Orchestration - Sensor to Screen) Company: KoçSistem – İstanbul (2017) Program: ITEA & Tübitak 1509 – International Support Program Responsibility: Mentor, Project Manager (5 months) 8.3. INSIST (Integrated Service Delivery for Citizens' Safety and Comfort) Company: KoçSistem – İstanbul (2016) Program: ITEA & Tübitak 1509 – International Support Program Responsibility: Mentor, Project Manager (24 months) 8.4. Tüp Boya Kontrol Sistemi Company: KoçSistem – İstanbul (2017) Program: Tübitak TEYDEB 1501 – National Support Program Responsibility: Project Manager (3 months) 8.5. CoMoSeF (Co-Operative Mobility Services of the Future) Company: KoçSistem – İstanbul (2015) Program: Celtic Plus & Tübitak 1509 – International Support Program Responsibility: Ar-Ge Yazılım Geliştirme Uzmanı ve Araştırmacı (18 months) 8.6. Pixage Hospitality – Sayısal Yayıncılık Uygulaması Company: KoçSistem – İstanbul (2015) Program: Tübitak TEYDEB 1501 – National Support Program Responsibility: Project Manager (18 months) 8.7. Gerçek Dünya Görünümünü Üç Boyutlu Tasarımlarla Zenginleştiren Sunum ve Tasarım Sistemi Company: İdegis Teknoloji – İstanbul (2013) Program: Tübitak TEYDEB 1512 – Entrepreneurship Program Responsibility: Idea Owner, Project Manager (12 months) 8.7. SocialCRM – Social MediaAnalysis Application Company: Proline – İstanbul (2011) Responsibility: R&D Software Developer (6 months) 8.8. GullsEye – Real Time 3D Port Modelling Company: Softtech – İstanbul (2009) Program: Tübitak TEYDEB 1501- National Support Program Responsibility: R&D Software Developer (12 months) 8.9. SISWorld CAD & GIS System Company: Sampaş – İstanbul (2005) Responsibility: R&D Software Developer (24 months) 9. Administrative Positions 1. Isik University – Head of Distance Learning Center (2019 - …) 2. Isik University – Center of Education Technologies Board of Directors (2019 - …) 3. Isik University - Faculty of Arts and Sciences - Faculty Administrative Board (2019 - …) 4. Isik University - Head of Management Information Systems Department (2019 - …) 5. Isik University - Head of Information Technologies Department (2019 - …) 10. Scientific and Professional Membership 1. Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Remote Sensing (2017 - …) 11. Awards and Honours 1. Mobilya Ar-Ge Proje Pazarı 2013 – Entrepreneurship Award 12. Courses Taught (Last Two Years) Year Semester Course Name Theoric Student Theoric Lab 2020-2021 Spring Veri Ambarlama ve Veri Madenciliği (Undergraduate / Turkish) 2 1 Mathematics for Management Information Systems (Undergraduate / English) 3 0 Geographical Information Systems (Undergraduate / English) 2 1 Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri için Matematik (Undergraduate / Turkish) 3 0 Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (Undergraduate / Turkish) 2 1 2020 Summer Data Warehousing and Data Mining (Undergraduate / English) 2 1 9 2019-2020 Spring Proje (Undergraduate / Turkish) 0 0 6 Project (Undergraduate / English) 0 0 14 Advanced Java for Information Management (Undergraduate / English) 2 2 10 Bilişim Yönetimi için İleri Java (Undergraduate / Turkish) 2 2 22 Mathematics for Management Information Systems (Undergraduate / English) 3 0 47 Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri için Matematik (Undergraduate / Turkish) 3 0 49