María Alejandra Palacio
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA)
Contact by mailPALACIO, María Alejandra PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: Lobería. November 26th 1964. Argentine. TELEPHONE:+5411-68500522 FAX: 54-266-439101 E-MAIL:; UNIVERSITY DEGREE: Ingeniera Agronomica ( Diplomierte agronomingenieurin). Universidad Nacional De Mar Del Plata. Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias – Balcarce. "Study of the relationship plant-pollinator for red clover seed production in the South-East of Buenos Aires province". POSTGRADE DEGREE. Magister Science in Honey Bee Genetics.Universidad De Såo Paulo. Facultad De Medicina De Ribeiråo PretoArea: Honey bee genetic. PhD in Agricultural Sciences . Universidad de Mar del Plata.Facutad de Ciencias Agrarias Area: Honey bee genetic and behaviour. ACTUAL POSITION: • Coordinator of Beekeeping Programa. INTA. Since 2014. • In charge of Beekeeping Course at Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Since 1992. • In charge of Tecchnology and Quality of Honey and Other Bee Products Course at Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Since 2000. • In charge of classes of Honey Bee Genetic and Breeding Course at Beekeeping for development University Degree at Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad Nacional del Centro. • In charge of the Honey Bee Breeding Program of the PROAPI, National Integrated Project of Beekeeping Development. • Coordinator of the research group at Integrated Unit Balcarce (7 reserachers). • Participant in the project FONTAGRO. Net for innovation for rural debvelopment og Gran Chaco Americano. FTG/RF-16112- RG 2018 • Participant of national projects related to sustainability of Beekeeping in Argentina and Latin America and Caribbean. • Responsable of Agreements: SADA (Beekeeping Argentinian Society / APILAB / VITA UK / Univ. Davis California / Univ Centro Buenos Aires Province / Honey Bee Breeders Association.. Research category: 1 Member of assesoring comissions or juries: • National Honey Comission. Science and Technology Plan Año 1998-2000, 1999-2001./Referee of Technological Innovation Projects. PICT97, PICT99,PICT 2000.ANR2003/Referee for scientific articles/Referee of scientific journals/ associated editor of scientific J / Referee of Technological Innovation Projects./ Evaluation of research./Responsable of the Scientific Comitee of the Beekeeping Argentinian Congress/Member of the commission responsible for the acreditacion of Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias –UNMP to MERCOSUR. Scientific Coordinator Apimondia Argentina 2011, Turkey 2022 , Scientific Coordinator Latin American Beekeeping Federation. 2017 up to now, Member of Council of Research Center of Agronomic and Veterinary Science. - INTA Castelar. 2011 2018. Member of Council of Research Center of Agroindustry. - INTA Castelar. 2018 up to now. Advisor or co-advisor of graduate students: 20. Advisor or co-advisor of post-graduate students:11 Advisor or co-advidsor for scholarships: 7 Organization or coordination of scientific meetings, technical and /or post-graduate courses: 80 Participation in Scientific Congress or meetings (cnferences): 31 Participation in Technological meetings (conferences): 45. Participation in Congress and Scientific meetings: 22 Participation in Congress and Technological meetings: 42 Postgraduate courses: 4 Specialization courses: 7 Conferences and special clases: 82 Funding received for research: 15 Participant in research projects: 40 ( since 1985 up to now) International Consultancies: 10 Participación en proyectos de investigación: 32 ( desde 1985 hasta la fecha)(Últimos 5 años) SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION Publications (Indexed journals).: 32 • Pacini, Adriana; Ana Molineri; Karina Antúnez; Cagnolo, Natalia Bulacio; Julieta Merke; Orellano, Emanuel; Ezequiel Bertozzi; Luis Zago ; Andrea Aignasse; Hernán Pietronave; Graciela A. Rodríguez; Maria Alejandra Palacio ; Marcelo Signorini ; Agostina Giacobinoa. "Environmental conditions and beekeeping practices associated with Nosema ceranae presence in Argentina". APIDOLOGIE, (2021): 1 - 18. • Romina M. Russo; Maria C. Liendo; Lucas Landi; Hernán Pietronave; Julieta Merke; Hernán Fain3; Irina Muntaabski; Maria A. Palacio; Graciela A. Rodríguez; Silvia B. Lanzavecchia; Alejandra C. Scannapieco. "Grooming Behavior in Naturally Varroaresistant Apis mellifera Colonies from North-Central Argentina". Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution , (2020): 1 - 42. • Calfee,E; Marcelo Nicolas Agra, María Alejandra Palacio, Santiago R. Ramirez, Graham Coop Internacional. Selection and hybridization shaped the Africanized honey bee invasion of the Americas (PlosG 2020). • Molieri, A; Giacobino, A; Pacini, A; Bulacio Cagnolo, N; Merke,J; Orellano, E; Bertozzi, E; Zago, L; Aignasse, A; Pietronave, H; Rogríguez, G; Crisante, P; Palacio, M A; Signorini, M. 2018. Environment and Varroa destructor management as determinant of colony losses in apiaries under temperate and subtropical climate. Journal of Apicultural Research. • Scannapieco, A; Lanzavecchia, S, Parreño, M.A; Liendo, M.C; Cladera, J; Spivak, M; Palacio, M.A. .2017. Individual precocity, temporal persistence, and task-specialisation of higienic bees from selected colonies of Apis Mellifera.. J. APIC. SCI. VOL. 60 NO.p 49-60 1 DOI: 10.1515/JAS-2016-0006. Journal Apicultural, Indexada. Books/Chapters in books 6 Manual de Buenas Prácticas de alimentación en abejas. • Garcia,N; Bedascarrasbure, E; Nascel, J; Palacio,M.A; Rojo,S. 2022. el fraude en el mercado internacional. En: Manual de Buenas Prácticas de alimentación en abejas. Un aporte a la calidad de la miel argentina. Ed. Dini, Garcia Girou. • Bedascarrasbure, E; Rivas, S; Figini, E.E; Palacio, M.A; Caporno, J; Rodríguez, S; Canals, M; Pávez, I. 2013. Innovaciones de impacto. Lecciones de la agricultura familiar en América y el Caribe. 222p. Confección del Capítulo 6. Una forma colectiva de innovar: caso apícola en Argentina y República Dominicana • Caporgno,J; Taladriz, A.; Palacio, M. A.; Taverna,A; Guardia López, A.; Tito, G.; Barreto, J.; Mas, D. 2019.Manual de BPM para la Producción Apícola en el Periurbano. 27p. ISBN 978-987-8333-02-1 (digital) • Jensen A B, Flores J M, Aronstein K, Palacio A, Vojvodic, S, Spivak M. Methods in handling of fungal brood diseases – chalkbrood caused by Ascosphaera apis and stonebrood caused by Aspergillus spp. Capítulo del libro BEEBOOK. IBRA Publications. Special issue. Journal of Apicultural research 52( 1) 13. 20 p. Full articles in congress annals: 41 Abstracts in Congress Annals: 183. Divulgation Journals: 54