Geert Jacobs
Radar Automation NV
Contact by mailCurriculum Vitae Geert Jacobs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personalia Date of Birth 20-05-72 Adress Kriekstraat 20- 8970 Poperinge Phone 0475/79.56.72 E-mail key-words Management, agriculture, agro-commodities, logistics, account management, IT-ecosystems, production, process optimization Education • Secondary :Latin-Maths, Heilig Maagd College Dendermonde 6/1990 • University : • Master, Bio engineer, KULeuven 6/1995-graduated with distinction Major: Agricultural Automation Minor: Fytotechnics Thesis: Simulation of vibration behaviour of eggshells via modal analysis • Certificated courses in agricultural economics University Ghent (6/1996) • Certificated courses in project management, University Ghent (6/1996) Experience 1995-1999: Assistant, Agricultural Economics University Ghent, Prof Martens/Prof Van Huylenbroeck • Simulating the environmental and economic impact of environmental programmes on dairy farms. The feeding ratio’s of a dairy herd where modeled and profit/loss analyses where done when raw material quality was impacted by reducing nitrogen or by delaying the grass mowing date. 1999-2015: Business Unit manager Integra Radar Automation, Integra-MES Account management larger feed mills in western Europe Co-owner and Board member Radar Automation • Radar Automation is specialized in realizing Oracle based software solutions for purchase/trade/production and quality management in agro-commodities industry • My role: pre-sales, consultancy, project management and internal product management, responsible for a team of 15 engineers • Some projects: • Account management for Quartes (BE)/AVEVE (BE)/Hendrix UTD (NL)/Glon Sanders (FR)/Forfarmers (NL)/CEHAVE/De Heus (CZ)/Versele (HU) • Implementation of APS-solutions for UFA-feedmill (CH) ( en ABCTA (NL) ( • Analysis and implementation of purchase and logistics for GKE (NL)/Essent (NL). • Trade and logistic solutions for Diester (Avril-Sofiproteol)-FR • Projectmanagement Tracking and tracing for volysstar (Meat-industry) • Automation of AVEVE seeds (Landen) • Automation of AVEVE (Aalter-Merksem) • Advanced planning for Nuscience, KEMIN, De Heus, Daikin, Resilux • Projectmanagement for ERP implementation for AVRIL (FR) 2015-…: Branch manager for Actemium-Agri (part of the Vinci-group) Languages Fluent: English/French/German/Dutch (mother tongue) Publications Coucke P., Jacobs G., Sas P., De Baerdemaeker J. Comparative Analysis of the Static and Dynamic Mechanical Eggshell Behaviour of a Chicken Egg , Publications of ISMA (International conference of the static and Dynamic mechanical behaviour of a chicken egg, pp1497-1502 Van Huylenbroeck G., Jacobs G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) A simulation model to evaluate the impact of environmental programmes on dairy farms. Int. Trans. Operational Res., 7, 171-183. [PVR235] (PDF source: 548KB) JACOBS, G.; VAN HUYLENBROECK, G. & MARTENS, L. Analyse van de inpasbaarheid van natuur- en milieuvoorwaarden op melkveebedrijven met behulp van een simulatiemodel. In: VAN HUYLENBROECK, G. & JACOBS, G. (eds) Naar een duurzame grasland- en groenvoederuitbating. Onderzoek naar de integratie van landbouwkundige en ecologische doelstellingen bij grasland- en groenvoederwinning. Brussel, Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw, 1998, p. 165-198.